Faculty and Staff Publications

RCC’s Office of Professional Development is dedicated to providing robust professional development opportunities focused on critical issues facing faculty and staff in higher education today. Our primary goal is to offer resources necessary for positive change on a personal, professional, and institutional level. RCC is proud to archive the intellectual output of its faculty and staff on this page.

Teaching & Learning

Back to Basics: When the Professor Becomes the Student

This video explains how small changes can make a big difference in the classroom.
Watch the video

Dr. Zenya Richardson, Assistant Professor and Program Director, Teacher Education
[email protected]

Creating A Sense Of Belonging

This article provides information on RCC’s Provost Faculty Scholars program and tips on improving DEI teaching practices.
Read the article

Dr. Suzanne Hickey, (formerly) Project Director of Title V Conexion, RCC
[email protected]

Peter Marino, Lecturer of Psychology
[email protected]

Overcoming Barriers to Student Engagement with Community Building, Scaffolding, Representation and Belonging

This article provides valuable insight into evidence-based instructional practices that promote inclusive learning environments.
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Sandy Brown, Assistant Professor of Engineering
[email protected]

Promoting Inter-Disciplinary Dialogue: Lessons From Lumen Circles

This article discusses communication across disciplines while exploring and building skills around inclusive teaching practices.
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Dr. Rebha Sabharwal, Assistant Professor of Sociology
[email protected]

Using Padlet To Create Student Connection And Navigate Difficult Conversations

This video provides examples of effective DEI uses of Padlet.
Watch the video

Sara Macel, Program Coordinator and Instructor of Photography
[email protected]

Mental Health & Wellness

Self-Care Isn’t Selfish! – How Teachers Can Manage Their Increasingly Changing Roles in the Education Process

This article offers a recommendation educators can use to prioritize self-care while keeping up with the growing academic demands.
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Fabiola Riobe, (formerly) Associate Provost of Academic Innovation, Online Education and Global Opportunities
[email protected]