Job Search

Employment Software

Career Readiness and Success’ official online employment center is available to students and alumni 24 hours a day. Please take a few minutes to register and create an account for yourself.

Once registered you will be able to:

  • Search our exclusive job listings
  • Upload your resume or use our easy Resume Builder to create a new one
  • Build, update and forward your online career portfolio to employers
  • Review employer profiles
  • Read our career-related announcements
  • Download our career advice documents
  • View and apply directly to jobs

Please feel free to contact the Career Readiness and Success Center with any questions at [email protected].

Site Disclaimer

Career Readiness and Success at Rockland Community College does not guarantee the postings listed on JobNet, nor is it responsible for the accuracy, working conditions, or safety of any off-campus positions. As a result, it cannot be held liable for any of the positions listed or be responsible for any company or individual. Students and/or alumni are responsible for checking the credentials and integrity of an employer. Similarly, employers are also responsible for checking the credentials and integrity of applicants.

Anyone who discovers any abuse of this website is encouraged to report it to [email protected].
