All past Board of Trustees agendas and minutes are accessible to the public. Materials from 2023 are available below and copies of past materials are available by request. Please email Eileen Hughes at [email protected] or Dr. Virginia Meléndez at [email protected] request past board materials. Thank you.

Combined Workshop & Board Meeting Agenda

Meeting Date
: Monday, January 23, 2023
Time: 5:00 pm
Place: Student Union, 3214

  1. Roll Call
  2. Public Comment
  3. President’s Agenda Officer in Charge, Dr. Susan Deer
  4. Department Highlights
    1. Academic Affairs Officer in Charge, Dr. Katherine Lynch
    2. Enrollment Management and Student Affairs Vice President, Dr. Bart Grachan
    3. Economic Mobility & Workforce Innovation Vice President, Kevin Stump
    4. Finance Chief Financial Officer, Dr. Dan DoBell
    5. Operations Vice President, Dr. Beth A. Coyle
    6. Institutional Advancement Vice President, Susan Lyddon
    7. Information Technology Services Chief Information Officer, Gary Holeman
  5. Consent Agenda
    • Approval of the Previous Meeting Minutes: 12/12/22
  6. Board Secretary Report Secretary, Ileana Eckert
  7. President’s Search Committee Report Vice Chair, Joseph Rand
  8. NYCCT/ACCT Reports Trustee, Lynne Hilowitz
  9. Board Education Day Ileana Eckert, Grant Valentine
  10. Board Community Outreach Report Liaison, Grant Valentine
  11. Student Government Report Student Trustee, Rafhilene Frias-Sanchez
  12. Audit Committee Report Board Chair, Martin Wortendyke, Ileana Eckert
    Lynne Hilowitz, Susan Ramos
  13. Old/New Business Board Chair, Martin Wortendyke
  14. Executive Session (if necessary)

Please note: Resolutions & Reports which require action by the Board of Trustees are fully discussed at the monthly Board Workshop. All meetings of the Board are open to the public.

Combined Workshop & Board Meeting Minutes

The 816th board meeting of the Rockland Community College Board of Trustees was held Monday, January 23, 2023 at 145 College Road, Suffern, NY 10901.

Trustees Present: Martin Wortendyke, Board Chair; Joseph Rand, Board Vice Chair; Grant Valentine, Community Outreach Liaison; Susan Oelkers-Ramos; Elana Yeger; Rafhilene Frias- Sanchez.

Also Present: Dr. Susan Deer, Officer in Charge; Dr. Katherine Lynch, Officer in Charge, Academic Affairs; Dr. Beth Coyle, Vice President Operations; Dr. Dan DoBell, Chief Financial Officer; Dr. Bart Grachan, Vice President for Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Gary Holeman, Chief Information Officer; Dr. Virginia Meléndez, Executive Director, Strategic Initiatives; Kevin Stump, Vice President, Economic Mobility and Workforce Innovation; Eric Magaram, Representative, Faculty Senate; Michael Kluger, Videographer.

Absent Was: MariEllyn Donnellan (excused); Ileana Eckert, (excused); Lynne Hilowitz (excused)

The meeting was called to order at 5:10 pm by Chair Wortendyke.

  • Roll call was taken.

Public Comment

  • none

Officer in Charge

  • Dr. Susan Deer
    • Reported on the spring semester Start Up, held on January 20 with over 200 people attending.
    • Thanked Susan Lyddon and her team for their hard work in securing grants.
    • Announced that RCC will receive $3 million for a Nursing simulation lab.
    • With Dr. Coyle, Kevin Stump and Ben Naylor, met with the Mike Kohut, mayor of Haverstraw, to discuss RCC’s presence in the town.
    • Is working with the County on a “Drug Court to College” program.
    • Reported that over 90 people attended the “Industry to Instructor” information session.
    • Announced that the Hudson Valley Educational Consortium will now be known as Hudson Valley Workforce Consortium, a partnership with the six area community colleges.
    • Answered trustees’ questions.

Department Highlights

  1. Academic Affairs Officer in Charge, Dr. Katherine Lynch
    • Welcomed the new dean for the school of Arts, Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, Fred Herbst, who will be starting in late March.
    • Reported that the Honors program held a guidance counselor breakfast.
    • Nearly 100 people participated in Professional Development Day.
    • Is presenting at A. Philip Randolph High School in Harlem to discuss educational pipelines to RCC’s automotive program.
    • Answered trustees’ questions regarding the expansion of evening classes, the automotive program, and community outreach.
  2. Enrollment Management and Student Affairs Vice President, Dr. Bart Grachan
    • Announced that the women’s basketball season has been cancelled due to lack of players.
    • Reported that Corry Spring has been promoted and is now the Director of Admissions.
    • Is happy to share higher enrollment and retention numbers. He attributes higher retention rates to collaboration with Academic Affairs, student advisor outreach, and a successful New Student Orientation where 1900 students participated.
    • Answered trustees’ questions regarding enrollment, athlete recruitment, and student clubs.
    • Chair Wortendyke expressed appreciation for the efforts of the EMSA team.
  3. Economic Mobility and Workforce Innovation Vice President, Mr. Kevin Stump
    • Reported that RCC is one of 17 community colleges nationwide that has been invited to the ACE-Up Community of Practice. They focus on working with a set of community college-employer partnerships to advance strategies and create pathways that meet employer needs.
    • Conducted a retention deep dive that revealed the importance of peer mentorship. Every month the deep dive will focus on a different topic.
    • Answered trustees’ questions related to workforce programs.
  4. Finance Chief Financial Officer, Dr. Dan DoBell
    • Reported that the audit is complete and will schedule a meeting with the Board Audit Committee before the next Board meeting.
    • Announced that FY 24 budget training will be Jan. 31.
  5. Operations Vice President, Dr. Beth A. Coyle
    • Highlighted the charitable work of the Public Safety department during the holiday season.
    • Is continuing discussions with Genuine Foods to see how they can best serve the campus.
    • Is working on moving the 3-D lab from the Haverstraw site to the Suffern campus.
    • Answered trustees’ questions regarding the Hudson Market on Main and the Auto Tech Center.
  6. Institutional Advancement Vice President, Ms. Susan Lyddon
    • none
  7. Information Technology Services Chief Information Officer, Mr. Gary Holeman
    • Dr. Coyle reported that there were many updates to the technology at the Culinary Center.
    • Answered trustees’ questions.

Consent Agenda – Board Chair Martin Wortendyke

  • Chair Wortendyke read the following:
    1. Approval of the Previous Meeting Minutes: 12/12/22

A motion by Trustee Yeger, second Trustee Ramos to approve the consent agenda.

Yeas: Wortendyke, Valentine, Ramos, Yeger, and Frias Sanchez.
Nays: none
Abstention: Rand
Motion passed: 5 yeas, 0 nay, 1 abstention

Board Secretary Report

  • Ms. Ileana Eckert
    • none

President’s Search Committee Report

  • Vice Chair Rand
    • Gave the Board a rubric he provided the search committee to help them evaluate the presidential candidates. The next search committee meetings are Feb. 15-16.


  • Mr. Grant Valentine
    • Members of the NYCCT Board met with Meryl Tisch, Chair of the SUNY Board of Trustees to discuss budget and workforce development.

Board Community Outreach Report

  • Mr. Grant Valentine
    • Congratulated Melissa Roy, Chief Diversity Officer who was awarded the Martin Luther King Service Award by the St. Charles AME Zion Church in Sparkill.

Board Education Day

  • Ileana Eckert, Grant Valentine
    • Virginia Melendez has reached out to potential speakers for Board Education Day and is working on the agenda and will try to finalize a date.
    • It was suggested by some trustees that Board Education Day wait until later in the year as to not conflict with the presidential search.

Student Government Association Report

  • Ms. Rafhilene Frias Sanchez
    • Reported that the Student Government Association president has stepped down. The current vice president will assume the role.

Audit Committee Report

  • Chair Wortendyke
    • The committee met and discussed the challenges of the upcoming budget, union negotiations, the fund balance and other concerns.

Old / New Business

  • Chair Wortendyke
    • Noted that the Suffern post office has been named in honor of Jerry Donnellan, husband of Trustee MariEllyn Dyskstra Donnellan.
    • Asked for volunteers from the Board to form a presidential transition committee.

By Trustee Yeger, second by Trustee Frias Sanchez, and unanimously approved by trustees: Wortendyke, Rand, Valentine, Ramos, Yeger and Frias Sanchez to adjourn at 6:55 pm.

Combined Workshop & Board Meeting Agenda

Meeting Date
: Monday, March 13, 2023
Time: 1:00 pm
Place: President’s Conference Room 6205

  1. Roll Call
  2. Consent Agenda
    • Approval of the Previous Meeting Minutes: 1/23/23
    • Approval to Urge Action by New York State Legislators to Advocate on Behalf of SUNY Community Colleges to Increase Funding (Resolution 1-2023)
    • Approval for Reappointment of Non-Tenured Faculty for Academic Year 2022 -2023 3rd Year (Resolution 2-2023)
    • Approval for Reappointment of Non-Tenured Faculty for Academic Year 2022 -2023 4th Year (Resolution 3-2023)
    • Approval for Reappointment of Non-Tenured Faculty for Academic Year 2022 -2023 5th Year (Resolution 4-2023)
    • Approval to Amend the Advanced Placement Policy (Resolution 5-2023)
    • Approval of Establishment of Tuition Benefit for Students from Temporary Protected Status Countries (Resolution 6-2023)
    • Approval of Data Governance Policy (Resolution 7-2023)
    • Approval to submit use of Stimulus Funds for Information Technology Improvements Replacements (Resolution 8-2023)
  3. Executive Session

Please note: Resolutions & Reports which require action by the Board of Trustees are fully discussed at the monthly Board Workshop. All meetings of the Board are open to the public.

Combined Workshop & Board Meeting Minutes

The 817th board meeting of the Rockland Community College Board of Trustees was held
Monday, March 13, 2023, at 145 College Road, Suffern, New York 10901.

Trustees Present: Martin Wortendyke, Board Chair; Joseph Rand, Board Vice Chair; Ileana Eckert, Board Secretary; Grant Valentine, Community Outreach Liaison; MariEllyn Donnellan; Lynne Hilowitz; Susan Oelkers-Ramos; Elana Yeger; Rafhilene Frias- Sanchez.

Also Present: Peter Arvanites, Representative, Faculty Senate

Absent Was: none

The meeting was called to order at 1:05 pm by Chair Wortendyke.

  • Roll call was taken.
  • No public comment.

Consent Agenda – Board Chair Martin Wortendyke

  • Chair Wortendyke read the following:
    • Approval of the Previous Meeting Minutes: 12/12/22
    • Approval to Urge Action by New York State Legislators to Advocate on Behalf of SUNY Community Colleges to Increase Funding (Resolution 1-2023)
    • Approval for Reappointment of Non-Tenured Faculty for Academic Year 2022 -2023 3rd Year (Resolution 2-2023)
      Third Year:
      Amy Burgess
      Dr. Alexander Brown
      Stacy Casden
      Nancy Chiocchi-McMorrow
      Jeannine Kennedy
      Martha Krawczyk
      James Lee
      Joseph Migliaccio
      Clare O’Dowd
      Nancy Rosen
      Dr. Rebha Sebharwal
      Dr. Egbert Shillingford
    • Approval for Reappointment of Non-Tenured Faculty for Academic Year 2022 -2023 4th Year (Resolution 3-2023)
      Fourth Year:
      Bryan Berndt
      Dominic Dimare
      Kristian Dougherty
      Christopher Flatley
      Sara Macel
      Zenya Richardson
    • Approval for Reappointment of Non-Tenured Faculty for Academic Year 2022 -2023 5th Year (Resolution 4-2023)
      Fifth Year:
      Cheryl Iorio
      James Liporace
    • Approval to Amend the Advanced Placement Policy (Resolution 5-2023)
    • Approval of Establishment of Tuition Benefit for Students from Temporary Protected Status Countries (Resolution 6-2023)
    • Approval of Data Governance Policy (Resolution 7-2023)
    • Approval to submit use of Stimulus Funds for Information Technology Improvements Replacements (Resolution 8-2023)

A motion by Trustee Hilowitz, second by Trustee Valentine to approve the consent agenda.

Yeas: Trustees Wortendyke, Rand, Eckert, Valentine, Donnellan, Hilowitz, Oelkers-Ramos, Yeger and Frias-Sanchez
Nays: none
Abstention: none
Motion passed: 9 yeas, 0 nay, 0 abstention

A motion by Trustee Donnellan, second by Trustee Valentine to enter into executive session to discuss the employment of a particular person at 1:10 pm.

Yeas: Trustees Wortendyke, Rand, Eckert, Valentine, Donnellan, Hilowitz, Oelkers-Ramos, Yeger and Frias-Sanchez
Nays: none
Abstention: none
Motion passed: 9 yeas, 0 nay, 0 abstention

A motion was made by Trustee Wortendyke that a particular individual be appointed as president of Rockland Community College. The motion was seconded by Trustee Valentine.

Yeas: Trustees Wortendyke, Rand, Eckert, Valentine, Donnellan, Hilowitz, Oelkers-Ramos, Yeger and Frias-Sanchez
Nays: none
Abstention: none
Motion passed: 9 yeas, 0 nay, 0 abstention

A motion by Trustee Rand, second by Trustee Valentine to come out of executive session at 3:52 pm.

Yeas: Trustees Wortendyke, Rand, Eckert, Valentine, Donnellan, Hilowitz, Oelkers-Ramos, Yeger and Frias-Sanchez
Nays: none
Abstention: none
Motion passed: 9 yeas, 0 nay, 0 abstention

A motion by Trustee Rand, second by Trustee Hilowitz to adjourn at 3:53 pm.

Yeas: Trustees Wortendyke, Rand, Eckert, Valentine, Donnellan, Hilowitz, Oelkers-Ramos, Yeger and Frias-Sanchez
Nays: none
Abstention: none
Motion passed: 9 yeas, 0 nay, 0 abstention

Combined Workshop & Board Meeting Agenda

Meeting Date
: Monday, March 27, 2023
Time: 5:00 pm
Place: Student Union, Room 3214

  1. Roll Call
  2. Public Comment
  3. Presentation Mr. Timothy Doyle, Partner, Bonadio & Co., LLP
    • Presentation of the College’s Annual Audit
  4. President’s Agenda Officer in Charge, Dr. Susan Deer
  5. Department Highlights
    1. Academic Affairs Officer in Charge, Dr. Katherine Lynch
      • Approval for Reappointment of Non-Tenured Faculty for Academic Year 2023-2024 (Resolution 10-2023)
      • Approval for Reappointment, Promotion and Grant of Tenure to Non-Tenured
        Faculty, for Academic Year 2023-2024 (Resolution 11-2023)
    2. Enrollment Management and Student Affairs Vice President, Dr. Bart Grachan
    3. Economic Mobility & Workforce Innovation Vice President, Kevin Stump
    4. Finance Chief Financial Officer, Dr. Dan DoBell
    5. Operations Vice President, Dr. Beth A. Coyle
    6. Institutional Advancement Vice President, Susan Lyddon
    7. Information Technology Services Chief Information Officer, Gary Holeman
  6. Consent Agenda
    • Approval of the Previous Meeting Minutes: 3/13/23
    • Approval for Reappointment of Non-Tenured Faculty for Academic Year
      2023-2024 (Resolution 10-2023)
      Second Year:
      Richard Ahrens
      Rose Frowd
      Marci Manela
      Kathlen Shankar
      Violet Tiema
      Kamil Woronowicz
    • Approval for Reappointment, Promotion and Grant of Tenure to Non-Tenured Faculty, for Academic Year 2023-2024 (Resolution 11-2023)
      Cynthia Lasman
      Konstandinos Ritsatos
  7. Board Secretary Report Secretary, Ileana Eckert
  8. President’s Search Committee Report Vice Chair, Joseph Rand
  9. NYCCT/ACCT Reports Trustee, Lynne Hilowitz
  10. Board Education Day Ileana Eckert, Grant Valentine
  11. Board Community Outreach Report Liaison, Grant Valentine
  12. Student Government Report Student Trustee, Rafhilene Frias-Sanchez
  13. Audit Committee Report Board Chair, Martin Wortendyke, Ileana Eckert
    Lynne Hilowitz, Susan Ramos
  14. Old/New Business Board Chair, Martin Wortendyke
  15. Executive Session

Please note: Resolutions & Reports which require action by the Board of Trustees are fully discussed at the monthly Board Workshop. All meetings of the Board are open to the public.

Combined Workshop & Board Meeting Minutes

The 817th board meeting of the Rockland Community College Board of Trustees was held Monday, March 27, 2023 at 145 College Road, Suffern, NY 10901.

Trustees Present: Martin Wortendyke, Board Chair; Joseph Rand, Board Vice Chair; Ileana Eckert, Board Secretary; Grant Valentine, Community Outreach Liaison; Susan Ramos; Elana Yeger; Rafhilene Frias- Sanchez.

Also Present: Dr. Susan Deer, Officer in Charge; Dr. Katherine Lynch, Officer in Charge, Academic Affairs; Dr. Dan DoBell, Chief Financial Officer; Dr. Bart Grachan, Vice President for Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Gary Holeman, Chief Information Officer; Susan Lyddon, Vice President, Institutional Advancement; Dr. Virginia Meléndez, Executive Director, Strategic Initiatives; Melissa Roy, Chief Diversity Officer; Kevin Stump, Vice President, Economic Mobility and Workforce Innovation; Sara Annunziato, Representative, Faculty Senate; Timothy Doyle, Partner, Bonadio Group; Michael Connelly, Manager, Bonadio Group; Konstandinos Ritsatos; Joan Asch; Beth Robinson; Michael Kluger, Videographer.

Absent Was: MariEllyn Donnellan (excused); Lynne Hilowitz (excused)

The meeting was called to order at 5:07 pm by Chair Wortendyke.

  • Roll call was taken.

Public Comment

  • Nancy Grosselfinger spoke on the importance of community colleges to adult learners.


  • Timothy Doyle, Michael Connelly
    • Highlighted that there were no difficulties performing the audit.
    • Noted that the report has been restructured to make it easier to read.
    • Provided an overview of the financial statement.
    • Issued an unmodified opinion, the highest level of assurance RCC could obtain, consistent with the prior year.
    • Answered trustees’ questions.

Officer in Charge

  • Dr. Susan Deer
    • Provided highlights from the last month including meeting with the President’s
    • Noted that we have two SUNY Chancellor’s Awards for Student Excellence winners, Milen Paulose and Trustee Rafhilene Frias-Sanchez. They will be honored at a ceremony in Albany on April 24.
    • Answered trustees’ questions.

Department Highlights

  1. Academic Affairs Officer in Charge, Dr. Katherine Lynch
    • Welcomed the new dean for the school of Arts, Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, Fred Herbst. Thanked Stephen Burke for filling in during this time of transition.
    • Reported that 120 high school students participated in Drug Awareness Day.
    • Discussed the following resolutions:
      • Approval for Reappointment of Non-Tenured Faculty for Academic Year 2023-2024 (Resolution 10-2023)
        Second Year: Richard Ahrens
        Rose Frowd
        Marci Manela
        Kathlen Shankar
        Violet Tiema
        Kamil Woronowicz
      • Approval for Reappointment, Promotion and Grant of Tenure to Non-Tenured Faculty, for Academic Year 2023-2024 (Resolution 11-2023)
        Cynthia Lasman
        Konstadinos Ritsatos
    • Answered trustees’ questions regarding Drug Awareness Day, Gen Ed requirements, and study abroad opportunities.
  2. Enrollment Management and Student Affairs Vice President, Dr. Bart Grachan
    • Shared enrollment and retention numbers, which exceeded targets. Fall applications are ahead of last year.
    • Invited the trustees to the first in-person combined Black/Latinx Achievement Awards on April 24.
    • Answered trustees’ questions regarding counseling, reverse transfer, and accessibility services.
  3. Economic Mobility and Workforce Innovation Vice President, Mr. Kevin Stump
    • Reported that workforce programs are running out of the Haverstraw extension site. FY23 expenses will be offset by grants and revenue is expected in FY24.
    • Discussed the Data Governance Policy.
    • Answered trustees’ questions related to the EMT program, and institutional planning.
  4. Finance Chief Financial Officer, Dr. Dan DoBell
    • Reported that the budget planning is underway.
    • Is participating in contract negotiations with the administrator’s union.
  5. Operations Vice President, Dr. Beth A. Coyle
    • none
  6. Institutional Advancement Vice President, Ms. Susan Lyddon
    • Provided an overview of grants activity and is conducting desk audits to ensure that the grants are in compliance.
    • Reported that the Foundation has added new board members.
  7. Information Technology Services Chief Information Officer, Mr. Gary Holeman
    • Answered trustees’ questions.

Consent Agenda – Board Chair Martin Wortendyke

Consent agenda items were voted on separately.

Chair Wortendyke read the following:

  • Approval of the Previous Meeting Minutes: 3/13/23

A motion by Trustee Rand, second Trustee Valentine to approve the previous meeting minutes.

Yeas: Wortendyke, Rand, Eckert, Valentine, Ramos, Yeger, and Frias-Sanchez.
Nays: none
Abstention: none
Motion passed: 7 yeas, 0 nay, 0 abstention

Chair Wortendyke read the following:

  • Approval for Reappointment of Non-Tenured Faculty for Academic Year 2023-2024 (Resolution 10-2023)
    Second Year: Richard Ahrens, Rose Frowd, Marci Manela, Kathlen Shankar, Violet Tiema, Kamil Woronowicz

A motion by Trustee Rand, second Trustee Valentine to approve Resolution 10-2023.

Yeas: Wortendyke, Rand, Eckert, Valentine, Ramos, Yeger, and Frias-Sanchez.
Nays: none
Abstention: none
Motion passed: 7 yeas, 0 nay, 0 abstention

Chair Wortendyke read the following:

  • Approval for Reappointment, Promotion and Grant of Tenure to Non-Tenured Faculty, for Academic Year 2023-2024 (Resolution 11-2023)
    Cynthia Lasman
    Konstadinos Ritsatos

A motion by Trustee Yeger, second Trustee Valentine to approve Resolution 11-2023.

Yeas: Wortendyke, Rand, Eckert, Valentine, Ramos, Yeger, and Frias-Sanchez.
Nays: none
Abstention: none
Motion passed: 7 yeas, 0 nay, 0 abstention

Board Secretary Report

  • Ms. Ileana Eckert
    • none

President’s Search Committee Report

  • Vice Chair Rand
    • Thanked Dr. Virginia Melendez for all her help with the presidential search and the candidate’s campus visits.


  • none

Board Community Outreach Report

  • Mr. Grant Valentine
    • Has been working with NYCCT government relations to secure support for community colleges.

Board Education Day

  • none

Student Government Association Report

  • Ms. Rafhilene Frias Sanchez
    • Reported that the Student Government Association hosted a blood drive where 50 people donated.

Audit Committee Report

  • Chair Wortendyke
    • The committee met and was presented with the results of the financial peer review. They have shared the report with the board and will continue to meet with the Executive Cabinet to stay updated on progress of the report’s recommendations.

Old / New Business

  • Chair Wortendyke
    • none

A motion by Trustee Valentine, second by Trustee Yeger to enter into executive session to discuss the employment of a particular person at 6:39 pm.

Yeas: Trustees Wortendyke, Rand, Eckert, Valentine, Ramos, Yeger and Frias-Sanchez
Nays: none
Motion passed: 7 yeas, 0 nays, 0 abstentions

A motion by Trustee Rand, second by Trustee Valentine to come out of executive session at 7:49pm.

Yeas: Trustees Wortendyke, Rand, Eckert, Valentine, Ramos, Yeger and Frias-Sanchez
Nays: none
Motion passed: 7 yeas, 0 nays, 0 abstentions

No action was taken

By Trustee Valentine, second by Trustee Rand, and unanimously approved by trustees: Wortendyke, Rand, Eckert, Valentine, Ramos, Yeger and Frias-Sanchez to adjourn at 7:49 pm.

Combined Workshop & Board Meeting Agenda

Meeting Date
: Monday, May 1, 2023
Time: 5:00 pm
Place: Student Union, Room 3214

  1. Roll Call
  2. Public Comment
  3. President’s Agenda Officer in Charge, Dr. Susan Deer
  4. Department Highlights
    1. Academic Affairs Officer in Charge, Dr. Katherine Lynch
      • Approval for the Reappointment of Nursing Instructor Karen Schaffer to the 2nd Year (Resolution 12-2023)
      • Approval to Amend the Academic Forgiveness Policy (Resolution 13-2023)
    2. Enrollment Management and Student Affairs Vice President, Dr. Bart Grachan
      • Approval of Establishment of Effective Tuition Rate Balancing (Resolution 14-2023)
    3. Economic Mobility & Workforce Innovation Vice President, Kevin Stump
    4. Finance Chief Financial Officer, Dr. Dan DoBell
    5. Operations Vice President, Dr. Beth A. Coyle
    6. Institutional Advancement Vice President, Susan Lyddon
    7. Information Technology Services Chief Information Officer, Gary Holeman
  5. Consent Agenda
    • Approval of the Previous Meeting Minutes: 3/27/23
    • Approval for the Reappointment of Nursing Instructor Karen Schaffer to the 2nd Year (Resolution 12-2023)
    • Approval to Amend the Academic Forgiveness Policy (Resolution 13-2023)
    • Approval of Establishment of Effective Tuition Rate Balancing (Resolution 14-2023)
  6. Board Secretary Report Secretary, Ileana Eckert
  7. President’s Search Committee Report Vice Chair, Joseph Rand
  8. NYCCT/ACCT Reports Trustee, Lynne Hilowitz
  9. Board Education Day Ileana Eckert, Grant Valentine
  10. Board Community Outreach Report Liaison, Grant Valentine
  11. Student Government Report Student Trustee, Rafhilene Frias-Sanchez
  12. Audit Committee Report Board Chair, Martin Wortendyke, Ileana Eckert
    Lynne Hilowitz, Susan Ramos
  13. Old/New Business Board Chair, Martin Wortendyke
  14. Executive Session

Please note: Resolutions & Reports which require action by the Board of Trustees are fully discussed at the monthly Board Workshop. All meetings of the Board are open to the public.

Combined Workshop & Board Meeting Minutes

The 818th board meeting of the Rockland Community College Board of Trustees was held on Monday, May 1, 2023 at 145 College Road, Suffern, NY 10901.

Trustees Present: Martin Wortendyke, Board Chair; Joseph Rand, Board Vice Chair; Ileana Eckert, Board Secretary; Grant Valentine, Community Outreach Liaison; Lynne Hilowitz; L’Tanya Watkins; Elana Yeger; Rafhilene Frias- Sanchez.

Also Present: Dr. Susan Deer, Officer in Charge; Dr. Katherine Lynch, Officer in Charge, Academic Affairs; Dr. Beth Coyle, Vice President, Operations; Dr. Dan DoBell, Chief Financial Officer; Dr. Bart Grachan, Vice President for Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Gary Holeman, Chief Information Officer; Susan Lyddon, Vice President, Institutional Advancement; Dr. Virginia Meléndez, Executive Director, Strategic Initiatives; Melissa Roy, Chief Diversity Officer; Kevin Stump, Vice President, Economic Mobility and Workforce Innovation; Dr. Jeff McLean, President, Faculty Senate; Josephine Coleman, Patricia Maloney-Titland, faculty; Ryan McNeil, Christopher Plummer, Christina Schaudel, staff; Felix Vazquez Ayala, Shahiya A. Dure, students; Matthew I. Brennan, former student; Dylan Griffith, videographer.

Absent Was: MariEllyn Donnellan (excused); Susan Oelkers-Ramos (excused)

The meeting was called to order at 5:05 pm by Chair Wortendyke.

  • Welcomed new trustee L’Tanya Watkins to the board.
  • Roll call was taken.
  • Vice Chair Rand remarked that it was student trustee Frias-Sanchez’ last meeting. Board members thanked her for her strong advocacy for students and her important contributions to the board.

Public Comment

  • Matthew Brennan spoke about challenges of adult students.
  • Chair Wortendyke read a statement from Josephine Coleman (see enclosed).
  • Students from the performing arts department performed a song from the recent campus production.
  • Faculty, staff and students spoke in support of the arts.

Officer in Charge

  • Dr. Susan Deer
    • Provided highlights from the last month including the visit from the SUNY Chancellor, Dr. John King.
    • Congratulated the SUNY Chancellor award winners, Patricia Kobes, Director of Academic Initiatives and Program Development, for Excellence in Professional Service and Parvin Ansari, Senior Clerk, School of Arts, Education, Humanities, and Social Sciences for Excellence in Classified Service.
    • Showed short videos of recent news coverage.
    • Answered trustees’ questions.

Department Highlights

  1. Academic Affairs Officer in Charge, Dr. Katherine Lynch
    • Attended the SUNY Chancellor Awards for Student Excellence ceremony in Albany.
    • Noted the collaboration between EMSA, EMWI and Academic Affairs in regards to educating students in financial literacy.
    • Discussed the following resolutions:
      • Approval for the Reappointment of Nursing Instructor Karen Schaffer to the 2nd Year (Resolution 12-2023)
      • Approval to Amend the Academic Forgiveness Policy (Resolution 13-2023)
    • Answered trustees’ questions regarding evening and weekend classes in the Art department, and AI in the classroom.
  2. Enrollment Management and Student Affairs Vice President, Dr. Bart Grachan
    • Discussed the following resolutions:
      • Approval of Establishment of Effective Tuition Rate Balancing (Resolution 14-2023)
    • Highlighted that Spring enrollment closed at 98% of target, 6% over last spring.
    • Two hundred students attended the spring open house.
    • Answered trustees’ questions regarding evening and weekend courses, Title V, remote versus in person classes, and setting enrollment targets.
  3. Economic Mobility and Workforce Innovation Vice President, Kevin Stump
    • Highlighted the recent Career and Resource Fair attended by hundreds of students and community partners.
    • Discussed the Haverstraw Center as a revenue generator.
    • Spoke about the EMWI division’s projected positive fiscal impact of four million dollars.
    • Answered trustees’ questions related to the relationship with local banks and financial literacy, and cybersecurity.
  4. Finance Chief Financial Officer, Dr. Dan DoBell
    • Reported that final budget has been delayed due to the delay in the approval of the state budget.
    • With the Executive Cabinet, held a campus forum to discuss the budget challenges.
    • Chair Wortendyke expressed his appreciation to the finance department, the audit committee and the senior administration for their hard work on the budget.
  5. Operations Vice President, Dr. Beth A. Coyle
    • Announced that 2.2 million in capital funding is pending that will help with the Brucker Hall roof repair, air conditioner repair in the Cultural Arts Center and plumbing repair in Academic I.
    • Answered trustees’ questions regarding the retirement incentive.
  6. Institutional Advancement Vice President, Susan Lyddon
    • Acknowledged the passing of the Foundation Board Chair, Eric Dranoff, who died after a short illness. A scholarship has been established in his name.
  7. Information Technology Services Chief Information Officer, Gary Holeman
    • Has resumed hiring student technicians, suspended during the pandemic, who assist with classroom support.
    • Answered trustees’ questions.

Consent Agenda – Board Chair Martin Wortendyke

Chair Wortendyke read the following:

  • Approval of the Previous Meeting Minutes: 3/27/23
  • Approval for the Reappointment of Nursing Instructor Karen Schaffer to the 2nd Year (Resolution 12-2023)
  • Approval to Amend the Academic Forgiveness Policy (Resolution 13-2023)
  • Approval of Establishment of Effective Tuition Rate Balancing (Resolution 14-2023)

A motion by Trustee Valentine, second Trustee Yeger to approve the consent agenda.

Yeas: Wortendyke, Rand, Eckert, Valentine, Hilowitz, Yeger, and Frias-Sanchez.
Nays: none
Abstention: Watkins
Motion passed: 7 yeas, 0 nay, 1 abstention

Board Secretary Report

  • Ms. Ileana Eckert
    • none

President’s Search Committee Report

  • Vice Chair Rand
    • We are awaiting the passage of the State budget before the SUNY Board of Trustees meets to appoint the new president.


  • none

Board Community Outreach Report

  • Grant Valentine
    • Represented the College at various events around the County.
    • Vice Chair Rand congratulated Trustee Valentine, who was honored at the MLK Center Annual Dinner.

Board Education Day

  • Ileana Eckert
    • Waiting on approval of the incoming president to set a date for the summer retreat.

Student Government Association Report

  • Rafhilene Frias Sanchez
    • Student Government Association passed their budget and have elected their new officers, including the new student trustee, Emily Ross.
    • Expressed deep gratitude to the Board and thanked the Executive Cabinet for their support. Her RCC experience has changed her life.
    • Chair Wortendyke thanked her for service.

By Trustee Frias-Sanchez, second by Trustee Valentine, and unanimously approved by trustees: Wortendyke, Rand, Eckert, Valentine, Hilowitz, and Frias-Sanchez to adjourn at 8:12 pm.

Public Comment by Matthew Brennan

Hello, my name is Matthew Brennan and I am a current part time student taking a noncredit course in order to earn a certificate to be a Counselor for Alcohol and Substance Abuse.

Fifty years ago, in 1975 I was a full-time student here after serving a thirteen-month overseas tour in the Far East with the Marines during the Viet Nam era.

I was Vice President of the Veterans Club, a Student Senator along with playing on the RCC Hockey Team which traveled all over the metropolitan area while playing other colleges; a great experience.

Fifty years ago. student government was dominated by a group known as Youth United for Justice whose president was Rudy Scott. A person of color and an all-county football linebacker at Ramapo High School; we were good friends. The drinking age at the time was eighteen and his organization spent student funds throwing great Friday afternoon parties. Weekly parties consisted of a dozen kegs of beer and live bands on the outdoor amphitheater. Today similar behavior would be considered felonies; not to mention the bong room above the cafeteria.

After graduating RCC I had a successful life. I played football at Pace University and earned a degree in Finance from New York University. Quitting an entry level Wall Street to wear my grandfather’s shield on the NYPD, after twenty years retired. My second over twenty-year career is still occurring at Indian Point as a Nuclear First Responder. Along the way married Jacqueline and we raised four successful daughters; all graduates of Clarkstown South High School with Mary earning an Associate Degree here at RCC.

Today I speak about the difficulty part time students encounter attempting to obtain identification cards. Typically having on-line classes and being on campus only one Saturday or evening per month, if not for this scheduling many would not even be students with Rockland losing out on that tuition revenue plus with on-line classes student enrollment is from a much larger radius.

In my experience twice during a Saturday morning on campus class break I have tried to get an identification card at the Field House Public Safety Office only to be told to return on Wednesday during either a morning two-hour window or an evening two-hour window.

This expectation is really ridiculous and disrespectful to all of us as adults who for the most part have grownup obligations such as jobs and families that prevent us from attending this short window that might not even be open.

Seriously, what management adult mind set could believe this is appropriate? A student identification card allows for reduced admission and other economic benefits. We all pay tuition in order to receive this benefit. It has reached a point where the RCC Board of Trustees must step in and instruct college management to properly train and schedule enough staff, especially on Saturday mornings, so part- time students who are currently alienated from this process are able to obtain the identification cards they deserve because the current situation is totally unsatisfactory. Operating an identification card machine is not rocket science. Also, the expectation that a student actually has identification number memorized is also unacceptable. Plus, the rationale no one else has complained about this before is also unacceptable.

Public Comment by Josephine Coleman

Good Evening Chairman Wortendyke, Board Members, Office of the President Dr. Deer, Acting Provost Dr. Lynch, Administration VPs, SGA Representatives and all other guests currently present.

I came this evening to thank you for listening to my appeal last spring regarding the need to hire more full-time faculty. Full-time faculty will continue to retire.

Dedicated faculty are essential to the academic success of our students and the academic integrity of our College. Full-time faculty are required to provide weekly office hours, advisement and mentoring for our students. Moreover, they volunteer to serve on many college committees, most serving on an average of three committees. Some are serving on many more. This is a testament to the full-time faculty’s dedication and devotion to the College.

While adjunct faculty provide support for our students, they are not as readily available to our students as full-time faculty. Temporary full-time faculty offer a viable alternative; however, they are not required to serve on committees. Basically, I just want to thank you for listening to my appeal last June and to be aware that the number of full-time faculty should be monitored on an ongoing basis.

I would also like to take this opportunity to note how wonderful the recent production from the RCC Performing Arts students was. I attended the last viewing of “Something Rotten” in the CAC theater last Saturday and it was amazing! Forget about “America’s Got Talent!” RCC’s got far more talent! Kudos to all involved in these performances. I was very proud of our students who put so much into the success of these performances. I look forward to future theater productions and you also may consider checking this out if you haven’t already done so.

Lastly, I want to congratulate Emily Ross the new SGA representative. She is one of my dedicated honors’ students and she will complement the BOT and SGA with her enthusiasm and dedication. Good luck Emily. With that said, congratulations to Rafhilene receiving the Chancellor’s Award for Student Success and a special thanks to all of her service this past year.

Thank you,
Josephine Coleman, CPA, MBA
Professor – Business Department
SUNY Chancellor Award for Service Recipient

Combined Workshop & Board Meeting Agenda

Meeting Date: Monday, May 22, 2023
Time: 1:30 pm
Place: Clover Stadium, Palisades Hudson Suite, 1 Phil Tisi Way, Pomona, NY 10970

  1. Roll Call
  2. Public Comment
  3. President’s Agenda Officer in Charge, Dr. Susan Deer
  4. Department Highlights
    1. Academic Affairs Officer in Charge, Dr. Katherine Lynch
      • Approval to Amend the Grade Appeal Policy (Resolution 15-2023)
      • Approval to accept the candidates for Promotion (Resolution 16-2023)
    2. Enrollment Management and Student Affairs Vice President, Dr. Bart Grachan
    3. Economic Mobility & Workforce Innovation Vice President, Kevin Stump
    4. Finance Chief Financial Officer, Dr. Dan DoBell
      • Approval of Tuition & Fees for Academic Year 2023 – 2024 (Resolution 17-2023)
      • Approval of 2023-2024 Budget (Resolution 18-2023)
    5. Operations Vice President, Dr. Beth A. Coyle
    6. Institutional Advancement Vice President, Susan Lyddon
    7. Information Technology Services Chief Information Officer, Gary Holeman
  5. Consent Agenda
    • Approval of the Previous Meeting Minutes: 5/1/23
    • Approval to Amend the Grade Appeal Policy (Resolution 15-2023)
    • Approval to accept the candidates for Promotion (Resolution 16-2023)
    • Approval of Tuition & Fees for Academic Year 2023 – 2024 (Resolution 17-2023)
    • Approval of 2023-2024 Budget (Resolution 18-2023)
  6. Board Secretary Report Secretary, Ileana Eckert
  7. President’s Search Committee Report Vice Chair, Joseph Rand
  8. NYCCT/ACCT Reports Trustee, Lynne Hilowitz
  9. Board Education Day Ileana Eckert, Grant Valentine
  10. Board Community Outreach Report Liaison, Grant Valentine
  11. Audit Committee Report Board Chair, Martin Wortendyke, Ileana Eckert
    Lynne Hilowitz, Susan Ramos
  12. Old/New Business Board Chair, Martin Wortendyke
  13. Executive Session

Please note: Resolutions & Reports which require action by the Board of Trustees are fully discussed at the monthly Board Workshop. All meetings of the Board are open to the public.

Combined Workshop & Board Meeting Minutes

The 819th board meeting of the Rockland Community College Board of Trustees was held on Monday, May 22, 2023 at Clover Stadium, Palisades Hudson Suite 1 Phil Tisi Way, Pomona, NY 10970.

Trustees Present: Martin Wortendyke, Board Chair; Joseph Rand, Board Vice Chair; Grant Valentine, Community Outreach Liaison; Lynne Hilowitz; L’Tanya Watkins; Elana Yeger.

Also Present: Dr. Susan Deer, Officer in Charge; Dr. Katherine Lynch, Officer in Charge, Academic Affairs; Dr. Beth Coyle, Vice President, Operations; Dr. Dan DoBell, Chief Financial Officer; Dr. Bart Grachan, Vice President for Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Gary Holeman, Chief Information Officer; Susan Lyddon, Vice President, Institutional Advancement; Dr. Virginia Meléndez, Executive Director, Strategic Initiatives; Melissa Roy, Chief Diversity Officer; Kevin Stump, Vice President, Economic Mobility and Workforce Innovation; Kathleen Carroll, Representative, Faculty Senate;

Absent Was: MariEllyn Donnellan (excused); Ileana Eckert (excused); Susan Oelkers-Ramos (excused); Rafhilene Frias-Sanchez (excused).

The meeting was called to order at 1:40 pm by Chair Wortendyke.

  • Roll call was taken.

Chair Wortendyke

  • Welcomed new trustee L’Tanya Watkins officially to the board.
  • Remarked that Commencement was one of the best he had ever attended at RCC and thanked Dr. Virginia Meléndez and the committee for their hard work in making that happen.

Officer in Charge

  • Dr. Susan Deer
    • Dr. Lynch reported that Eisha Sarmad has been selected as a Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Undergraduate Transfer Scholar. This year’s cohort has 60 scholars selected from across the nation, and recipients receive up to $55,000 per year toward tuition and related expenses. Chair Wortendyke invited her to a board meeting.
    • Dr. Deer talked about the importance of support in students’ college journey.

Department Highlights

  1. Academic Affairs Officer in Charge, Dr. Katherine Lynch
    • Discussed the following resolutions:
      • Approval to Amend the Grade Appeal Policy (Resolution 15-2023)
      • Approval to accept the candidates for Promotion (Resolution 16-2023)
    • Acknowledged Edwin Rivadeneyra who organized a “Game of Life” designed to teach students financial literacy. The Board invited him to present at a future meeting.
    • The Board requested congratulatory letters be sent to the Chancellor’s Award winners as well as the Cooke Scholar recipient.
    • Answered trustees’ questions.
  2. Enrollment Management and Student Affairs Vice President, Dr. Bart Grachan
    • Congratulated the commencement committee co-chairs, Dr. LaToya Blount and Susanna Santiago, on a fantastic ceremony.
    • Provided updated enrollment numbers.
    • Announced that his executive team, Dr. LaToya Blount, Debra Bouabidi, Joseph Falco, and Brian Sondey, and have all been recently recognized by SUNY as well as regional organizations.
    • Answered trustees’ questions regarding adult learners, and enrollment targets.
  3. Economic Mobility and Workforce Innovation Vice President, Kevin Stump
    • Noted that last year, 20 workforce students participated in commencement. This year the number was over 50.
    • Answered trustees’ questions.
  4. Finance Chief Financial Officer, Dr. Dan DoBell
    • Discussed the following resolutions:
      • Approval of Tuition & Fees for Academic Year 2023 – 2024 (Resolution 17-2023)
      • Approval of 2023-2024 Budget (Resolution 18-2023)
    • Provided an overview of the budget.
    • Chair Wortendyke provided an update from the Audit Committee, noting that the committee met several times and discussed multiple iterations of the budget. They also met with Kevin Stump and Bart Grachan to ensure their targets are reasonable and attainable.
    • Answered trustees’ questions.
  5. Operations Vice President, Dr. Beth A. Coyle
    • Announced that the 2.2 million in capital funding has been increased by $300,000.
    • Answered trustees’ questions regarding the Hawk’s Nest and cafeteria hours.
  6. Institutional Advancement Vice President, Susan Lyddon
    • Thanked all who have contributed to the Eric Dranoff Foundation scholarship. $25,000 has been raised to date.
    • Reported that Walter Goldman has stepped in as Foundation Board Chair until elections are held in December.
  7. Information Technology Services Chief Information Officer, Mr. Gary Holeman
    • Discussed the introduction of the new portal, which is expected to launch in mid-June.
    • Answered trustees’ questions.

Consent Agenda – Board Chair Martin Wortendyke

Chair Wortendyke read the following:

  1. Approval of the Previous Meeting Minutes: 5/1/23
  2. Approval to Amend the Grade Appeal Policy (Resolution 15-2023)
  3. Approval to accept the candidates for Promotion (Resolution 16-2023)
  4. Approval of Tuition & Fees for Academic Year 2023 – 2024 (Resolution 17-2023)
  5. Approval of 2023-2024 Budget (Resolution 18-2023)

A motion by Trustee Yeger, second by Trustee Rand to approve the consent agenda.

Yeas: Wortendyke, Rand, Valentine, Hilowitz, Watkins, and Yeger.
Nays: none
Motion passed: 6 yeas, 0 nay, 0 abstention

Rafhilene Frias -Sanchez thanked the Board for their support and announced that she will be attending Cornell in the fall.

Board Secretary Report

  • Ms. Ileana Eckert
    • none

President’s Search Committee Report

  • Chair Wortendyke
    • We are awaiting the SUNY Board of Trustees to appoint the new president at their next meeting on June 6-7.


  • none

Board Community Outreach Report

  • Mr. Grant Valentine
    • Represented the College at various events around the County, including the Phi Theta Kappa awards and Spring Fest.
    • Mentioned the influx of migrants in the Hudson Valley and is investigating how community colleges can help integrate the migrants through workforce programs.
    • Reported on various SUNY Board of Trustees initiatives.

Board Education Day

  • none

Student Government Association Report

  • none

By Trustee Hilowitz, second by Trustee Watkins, and unanimously approved by trustees: Wortendyke, Rand, Valentine, Hilowitz, Watkins, and Yeger to adjourn at 2:59 pm.

Combined Workshop & Board Meeting Agenda

Meeting Date: Monday, June 26, 2023
Time: 5:00 pm
Student Union, Room 3214

  1. Roll Call
  2. Public Comment
  3. President’s Agenda Officer in Charge, Dr. Susan Deer
  4. Department Highlights
    1. Academic Affairs Officer in Charge, Dr. Katherine Lynch
      • Approval to Amend the Academic Honesty and Integrity Policy (Resolution 20-2023)
    2. Enrollment Management and Student Affairs Vice President, Dr. Bart Grachan
      • Approval of College Admission Application Fee Elimination (Resolution 21-2023)
    3. Economic Mobility & Workforce Innovation Vice President, Kevin Stump
    4. Finance Chief Financial Officer, Dr. Dan DoBell
    5. Operations Vice President, Dr. Beth A. Coyle
    6. Institutional Advancement Vice President, Susan Lyddon
    7. Information Technology Services Chief Information Officer, Gary Holeman
  5. Consent Agenda
    • Approval of the Previous Meeting Minutes: 5/22/23
    • Ratifying the Authorization of the Board Chair and Vice Chair to Negotiate an Employment Contract and the Board Chair to Sign an Employment Contract with Dr. Lester Sandres Rápalo as President of Rockland Community College (Resolution 19-2023)
    • Approval to Amend the Academic Honesty and Integrity Policy (Resolution 20-2023)
    • Approval of College Admission Application Fee Elimination (Resolution 21-2023)
  6. Board Secretary Report Secretary, Ileana Eckert
  7. President’s Search Committee Report Vice Chair, Joseph Rand
  8. NYCCT/ACCT Reports Trustee, Lynne Hilowitz
  9. Board Education Day Ileana Eckert, Grant Valentine
  10. Board Community Outreach Report Liaison, Grant Valentine
  11. Student Government Report Student Trustee, Rafhilene Frias-Sanchez
  12. Audit Committee Report Board Chair, Martin Wortendyke, Ileana Eckert
    Lynne Hilowitz, Susan Ramos
  13. Old/New Business Board Chair, Martin Wortendyke
  14. Executive Session if necessary

Please note: Resolutions & Reports which require action by the Board of Trustees are fully discussed at the monthly Board Workshop. All meetings of the Board are open to the public.

Combined Workshop & Board Meeting Minutes

The 820th board meeting of the Rockland Community College Board of Trustees was held on Monday, June 26, 2023 at Rockland Community College, Student Union, 3214, 145 College Road, Suffern, NY 10901.

Trustees Present: Martin Wortendyke, Board Chair; Joseph Rand, Board Vice Chair; Grant Valentine, Community Outreach Liaison; Lynne Hilowitz; L’Tanya Watkins; Elana Yeger.

Also Present: Dr. Susan Deer, Officer in Charge; Dr. Katherine Lynch, Officer in Charge, Academic Affairs; Dr. Beth Coyle, Vice President, Operations; Dr. Dan DoBell, Chief Financial Officer; Dr. Bart Grachan, Vice President for Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Gary Holeman, Chief Information Officer; Dr. Virginia Meléndez, Executive Director, Strategic Initiatives; Melissa Roy, Chief Diversity Officer; Jeff McLean, Eric Magaram, Patty Zodda, Kris Baker, Sara Annunziato, Kristen Kolka, Representatives, Faculty Senate; Eisha Sarmad, student; Michael Kluger, Dylan Griffiths, videographers.

Absent Was: MariEllyn Donnellan (excused); Ileana Eckert (excused); Susan Oelkers-Ramos (excused).

The meeting was called to order at 5:22 pm by Chair Wortendyke.

  • Roll call was taken.

Public Comment

  • none

Chair Wortendyke

  • Asked Dr. Lynch to introduce the newly elected members of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee. Eric Magaram will be the new president and Kristen Kolka will be the new vice president. The Faculty Senate held their recent retreat in person and found it much more productive than meeting virtually.

Department Highlights

  1. Academic Affairs Officer in Charge, Dr. Katherine Lynch
    • Discussed the following resolution:
      • Approval to Amend the Academic Honesty and Integrity Policy (Resolution 20-2023)
    • Reported on the recent Beacon conference hosted by RCC.
    • Introduced Eisha Sarmad, Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Undergraduate Transfer Scholar, who spoke about what RCC means to her and how much she has grown through the support of Dr. Lynch and the RCC community.
    • Answered trustees’ questions regarding retention of international students and the Academic Honesty policy and generative AI.
  2. Enrollment Management and Student Affairs Vice President, Dr. Bart Grachan
    • Reported that summer enrollment is up 19% and provided updated overall enrollment numbers.
    • Announced that marketing is underway for adult learners.
    • Participated in the inaugural flag raising in honor of Pride month on June 5.
    • Reported that commencement was a great success and thanked all involved.
    • Answered trustees’ questions regarding enrollment targets.
  3. Economic Mobility and Workforce Innovation Vice President, Kevin Stump
    • none
  4. Finance Chief Financial Officer, Dr. Dan DoBell
    • Announced that the auditors will be here for a preliminary audit in July.
    • Training in purchase orders and requisitions will begin for faculty and staff in July in advance of the FY 24 budget opening on August 1.
    • Reported that the federal government approved our application for Indirect Cost Recovery. We can charge 39% for grants that allow it.
    • Answered trustees’ questions regarding increased health cost expenses.
  5. Operations Vice President, Dr. Beth A. Coyle
    • Highlighted that the RCC summer sports program is underway and thanked Mike Murphy and Dylan Griffith for their work with the camp attendees.
    • Announced that we have executed the sublease for Hudson Market on Main, now leased by Burger Loft.
    • Answered trustees’ questions regarding the Middle States visit to the Culinary Center.
  6. Institutional Advancement Vice President, Susan Lyddon
    • none
  7. Information Technology Services Chief Information Officer, Mr. Gary Holeman
    • Discussed the launch of the new portal, which has hit some bumps but gone well overall.
    • Answered trustees’ questions.

Consent Agenda – Board Chair Martin Wortendyke

Chair Wortendyke read the following:

  1. Approval of the Previous Meeting Minutes: 5/22/23
  2. Ratifying the Authorization of the Board Chair and Vice Chair to Negotiate an Employment Contract and the Board Chair to Sign an Employment Contract with Dr. Lester Sandres Rápalo as President of Rockland Community College (Resolution 19-2023)
  3. Approval to Amend the Academic Honesty and Integrity Policy (Resolution 20-2023)
  4. Approval of College Admission Application Fee Elimination (Resolution 21-2023)

A motion by Trustee Valentine, second by Trustee Yeger to approve the consent agenda.

Yeas: Wortendyke, Rand, Valentine, Hilowitz, Watkins, and Yeger.
Nays: none
Motion passed: 6 yeas, 0 nay, 0 abstention

Officer in Charge

  • Dr. Susan Deer
    • Highlighted how special the commencement and the nurses pinning ceremony were this year.
    • Attended the first annual flag raising ceremony in honor of Pride month.
    • Talked about her long career in the SUNY system and thanked the Board and the Executive Cabinet for their support the past 15 years and expressed disappointment at not getting an interview for the president’s job.

Chair Wortendyke

  • Expressed deep appreciation for Dr. Deer’s service to the College and to the SUNY system and wished her the best in her future endeavors.
  • Presented Dr. Deer with flowers and a gift from the Board.

Board Secretary Report

  • Ms. Ileana Eckert
    • none


  • none

Board Community Outreach Report

  • Mr. Grant Valentine
    • Along with Vice Chair Rand, attended the African American parade in Nyack.
    • Introduced Dr. Rápalo at the SUNY Board of Trustees meeting.
    • Attended the Haverstraw Elementary School assembly where students who received Black and Latin Achievement Awards from RCC were recognized and he read a list of their names.
    • Reported that he will be the emcee at the Finkelstein Library event honoring Dr. Edmund Gordon on June 28. Trustee Rand noted that there are no buildings in Rockland County that are named for Drs. Susan and Edmund Gordon, and asked the Board to consider honoring them by naming something on campus for them.
    • Two Foundation Board members, Howard Hellman and Walter Goldman have been nominated for NYCCT awards.

Board Education Day

  • none

Student Government Association Report

  • none

By Trustee Valentine, second by Trustee Watkins, and unanimously approved by trustees: Wortendyke, Rand, Valentine, Hilowitz, and Watkins to adjourn at 6:25 pm.

Meeting Date: Wednesday, August 9, 2023
Time: 5:30 pm
Place: Student Union, Room 3217

Board Meeting Minutes

The 821st board meeting of the Rockland Community College Board of Trustees was held Wednesday, August 9, 2023, at 145 College Road, Suffern, New York 10901.

Trustees Present: Martin Wortendyke, Board Chair; Joseph Rand, Board Vice Chair; Ileana Eckert, Board Secretary; Grant Valentine, Community Outreach Liaison; L’Tanya Watkins; Elana Yeger

Also Present: Thomas McDonough, Jackson Lewis

Absent Was: Lynne Hilowitz (excused); Susan Oelkers-Ramos (excused)

The meeting was called to order at 6:06 pm by Chair Wortendyke.

  • Roll call was taken.
  • No public comment.

A motion by Trustee Rand, second by Trustee Yeger to enter into executive session to discuss the employment of a particular person at 6:06 pm.

Yeas: Trustees Wortendyke, Rand, Eckert, Valentine, Watkins and Yeger
Nays: none
Motion passed: 6 yeas, 0 nay, 0 abstention

A motion by Trustee Rand, second by Trustee Yeger to come out of executive session at 7:44 pm.

Yeas: Trustees Wortendyke, Rand, Eckert, Valentine, Watkins and Yeger
Nays: none
Motion passed: 6 yeas, 0 nay, 0 abstention

A motion by Trustee Yeger, second by Trustee Rand to adjourn at 7:45 pm.

Yeas: Trustees Wortendyke, Rand, Eckert, Valentine, Watkins and Yeger
Nays: none
Motion passed: 6 yeas, 0 nay, 0 abstention

Combined Workshop & Board Meeting Agenda

Meeting Date: Monday, August 21, 2023
Time: 5:00 pm
Place: Student Union, Room 3214

  1. Roll Call
  2. Public Comment
  3. Executive Session
  4. President’s Agenda President, Dr. Lester Sandres Rápalo
  5. Department Highlights
    1. Academic Affairs Officer in Charge, Dr. Katherine Lynch
    2. Enrollment Management and Student Affairs Vice President, Dr. Bart Grachan
    3. Economic Mobility & Workforce Innovation Vice President, Kevin Stump
    4. Finance Chief Financial Officer, Dr. Dan DoBell
    5. Operations and Strategic Initiatives Vice President, Dr. Beth A. Coyle
    6. Institutional Advancement Vice President, Susan Lyddon
  6. Consent Agenda
    • Approval of the Previous Meeting Minutes: 6,26/23, 8/9/23
    • Approval to Nominate Howard Hellman for the 2023 NYCCT Distinguished Alumni Award (Resolution 22-2023)
    • Rescinding Resolution 42-2014 – Establishing President’s Authority to Hire Employees without Board Approval (Resolution 23-2023)
  7. Board Secretary Report Secretary, Ileana Eckert
  8. NYCCT/ACCT Reports Trustee, Lynne Hilowitz
  9. Board Education Day Ileana Eckert, Grant Valentine
  10. Board Community Outreach Report Liaison, Grant Valentine
  11. Audit Committee Report Board Chair, Martin Wortendyke, Ileana Eckert
    Lynne Hilowitz, Susan Ramos
  12. Old/New Business Board Chair, Martin Wortendyke

Please note: Resolutions & Reports which require action by the Board of Trustees are fully discussed at the monthly Board Workshop. All meetings of the Board are open to the public.

Combined Workshop & Board Meeting Minutes

The 822nd board meeting of the Rockland Community College Board of Trustees was held on Monday, August 21, 2023 at Rockland Community College, Student Union, 3214, 145 College Road, Suffern, NY 10901.

Trustees Present: Martin Wortendyke, Board Chair; Joseph Rand, Board Vice Chair; Ileana Eckert, Board Secretary; Grant Valentine, Community Outreach Liaison; Lynne Hilowitz; Susan Ramos; L’Tanya Watkins; Elana Yeger; Emily Ross, Student Trustee.

Also Present: Dr. Lester Sandres Rapalo, President; Dr. Katherine Lynch, Officer in Charge, Academic Affairs; Dr. Beth Coyle, Vice President, Operations; Dr. Dan DoBell, Chief Financial Officer; Melissa Roy, Chief Diversity Officer; Dr. Kristopher Baker, Representative, Faculty Senate; Michael Kluger, videographer.

Absent Was: none

The meeting was called to order at 5:05 pm by Chair Wortendyke.

Roll call was taken.

Public Comment

  • none

A motion by Trustee Yeger, second by Trustee Valentine to enter into executive session to discuss the employment of a particular person at 5:10 pm.

Yeas: Trustees Wortendyke, Rand, Eckert, Valentine, Hilowitz, Ramos, Watkins, Yeger and Ross.
Nays: none
Motion passed: 9 yeas, 0 nays, 0 abstentions

A motion by Trustee Valentine, second by Trustee Hilowitz to come out of executive session at 7:12 pm.

Yeas: Trustees Wortendyke, Rand, Eckert, Valentine, Hilowitz, Ramos, Watkins, Yeger and Ross
Nays: none
Motion passed: 9 yeas, 0 nays, 0 abstentions

Chair Wortendyke

  • Welcomed the new student trustee, Emily Ross
  • Thanked Dr. Grachan for his good work and noted the increase in enrollment.

Department Highlights

  1. Academic Affairs Officer in Charge, Dr. Katherine Lynch
    • Discussed the First Year Experience
    • o Answered trustees’ questions regarding English Skills Academy course sizes and the International Studies program.
  2. Enrollment Management and Student Affairs Vice President, Dr. Bart Grachan
    • none
  3. Economic Mobility and Workforce Innovation Vice President, Kevin Stump
    • Answered trustees’ questions.
  4. Finance Chief Financial Officer, Dr. Dan DoBell
    • Reported on the preliminary audit in July.
    • Announced that training in purchase orders and requisitions has begun.
    • Answered trustees’ questions.
  5. Operations Vice President, Dr. Beth A. Coyle
    • Trustee Valentine thanked Dr. Coyle on behalf of the board, for her five years of service to the College.
    • Answered trustees’ questions.
  6. Institutional Advancement Vice President, Susan Lyddon
    • none

Consent Agenda – Board Chair Martin Wortendyke

Chair Wortendyke read the following:

  1. Approval of the Previous Meeting Minutes: 6/26/23, 8/9/23
  2. Approval to Nominate Howard Hellman for the 2023 NYCCT Distinguished Alumni Award (Resolution 22-2023)
  3. Rescinding Resolution 42-2014 – Establishing President’s Authority to Hire Employees without Board Approval (Resolution 23-2023)

A motion by Trustee Valentine, second by Trustee Watkins to approve the consent agenda.

Yeas: Wortendyke, Rand, Eckert, Valentine, Hilowitz, Ramos, Watkins, Yeger and Ross.
Nays: none
Motion passed: 9 yeas, 0 nay, 0 abstention


  • Dr. Lester Sandres Rápalo
    • Highlighted the many people he met during his first two months in office.
    • Provided a budget overview.

Chair Wortendyke

  • Asked that a sympathy card be sent to the family of Dennis Dale, former Foundation Board member.

Board Secretary Report

  • Ms. Ileana Eckert
    • none


  • none

Board Community Outreach Report

  • Mr. Grant Valentine
    • Represented the College at various events around the County.
    • Introduced Dr. Rápalo to many people in the community.

Board Education Day

  • none

Student Government Association Report

  • none

By Trustee Yeger, second by Trustee Valentine, and unanimously approved by trustees: Wortendyke, Rand, Eckert, Valentine, Hilowitz, Ramos, Watkins, Yeger and Ross to adjourn at 8:10pm.

Combined Workshop & Board Meeting Agenda

Meeting Date: Monday, September 18, 2023
Time: 5:00 pm
Place: Student Union, Room 3214

  1. Roll Call
  2. Public Comment
  3. Executive Session
  4. President’s Agenda President, Dr. Lester Sandres Rápalo
  5. Department Highlights
    1. Academic Affairs Officer in Charge, Dr. Katherine Lynch
    2. Enrollment Management and Student Affairs
    3. Economic Mobility & Workforce Innovation Vice President, Kevin Stump
    4. Finance Chief Financial Officer, Dr. Dan DoBell
    5. Operations and Strategic Initiatives
    6. Institutional Advancement Vice President, Susan Lyddon
  6. Consent Agenda
    • Approval of the Previous Meeting Minutes: 8/21/23
    • Approving the President’s Appointment of Purysabel Uregar to Executive Director, Human Resources (Resolution 24-2023)
    • Creation of the Position Chief of Staff and Strategic Initiatives (Resolution 25-2023)
    • Approving the President’s Appointment of Dr. Irene Delgado, Chief of Staff and Strategic Initiatives (Resolution 26-2023)
    • Creation of the Position of Counsel and Advisor to the President (Resolution 27-2023)
    • Creation of the Position of Executive Director for Global Education and International Affairs (Resolution 28-2023)
    • Approval to Accept Funds for the Construction and Expansion of the Nursing Simulation Lab (Resolution 29-2023)
  7. Board Secretary Report Secretary, Ileana Eckert
  8. NYCCT/ACCT Reports Trustee, Lynne Hilowitz
  9. Board Education Day Ileana Eckert, Grant Valentine
  10. Board Community Outreach Report Liaison, Grant Valentine
  11. Audit Committee Report Board Chair, Martin Wortendyke, Ileana Eckert
    Lynne Hilowitz, Susan Ramos
  12. Old/New Business Board Chair, Martin Wortendyke

Please note: Resolutions & Reports which require action by the Board of Trustees are fully discussed at the monthly Board Workshop. All meetings of the Board are open to the public.

Combined Workshop & Board Meeting Minutes

The 823rd board meeting of the Rockland Community College Board of Trustees was held on Monday, September 18, 2023 at Rockland Community College, Student Union, 3214, 145 College Road, Suffern, NY 10901.

Trustees Present: Martin Wortendyke, Board Chair; Joseph Rand, Board Vice Chair; Ileana Eckert, Board Secretary; Grant Valentine, Community Outreach Liaison; Susan Ramos; Elana Yeger; Emily Ross, Student Trustee.

Also Present: Dr. Lester Sandres Rapalo, President; Dr. Katherine Lynch, Officer in Charge, Academic Affairs; Susan Lyddon, Vice President, Institutional Advancement and Executive Director of the RCC Foundation; Dr. Dan DoBell, Chief Financial Officer; Gary Holeman, Chief Information Officer; Dr. Virginia Melendez, Executive Director, Strategic Initiatives; Brian Sondey, Executive Director, Enrollment Services; Thomas McDonough, attorney, Jackson Lewis; Dr. Kristopher Baker, Eric Magaram, Representatives, Faculty Senate; Dana Caponong, Coordinator, International Scholar Services & Global Opportunities; Grazyna Gliwiak, Enrollment Management Assistant; Dylan Griffith, Michael Kluger, videographers.

Absent Was: Lynne Hilowitz (excused); L’Tanya Watkins (excused)

The meeting was called to order at 5:05 pm by Chair Wortendyke.

Roll call was taken.

Public Comment

  • Eric Magaram, the new President of the Faculty Senate, introduced himself and said looking forward to working with the Board and the new administration

A motion by Trustee Valentine, second by Trustee Yeger to enter into executive session to discuss the employment of a particular person at 5:10 pm.

Yeas: Trustees Wortendyke, Rand, Eckert, Valentine, Ramos, Yeger and Ross
Nays: none
Motion passed: 7 yeas, 0 nays, 0 abstentions

No Action was taken

A motion by Trustee Rand, second by Trustee Valentine to come out of executive session at 8:00pm.

Yeas: Trustees Wortendyke, Rand, Eckert, Valentine, Ramos, Yeger and Ross
Nays: none
Motion passed: 7 yeas, 0 nays, 0 abstentions

President’s Report

  • Dr. Lester Sandres Rápalo
    • Announced plans to strengthen the relationship with Rockland BOCES.
    • Discussed the many introductory meetings with community members and well as members of the campus community.
    • Had an initial meeting with T-Mobile to secure laptops for students.
    • Had the pleasure of meeting Sandford Rubenstein, who is planning to donate his Haitian art collection to RCC.
    • Announced that the cafeteria will open on September 25.

Department Highlights

  1. Academic Affairs Officer in Charge, Dr. Katherine Lynch
    • Is looking forward to the new semester and is excited to see students back on campus.
    • Over 260 students are registered for the English Skills Academy.
    • Is working with EMWI to bring career-ready competencies into the classroom.
    • Answered trustees’ questions regarding learning management systems.
  2. Enrollment Management and Student Affairs Executive Director, Brian Sondey
    • Provided an enrollment update, reporting that RCC is up 6% over last year.
    • Answered trustees’ questions regarding international students.
  3. Economic Mobility and Workforce Innovation Vice President, Kevin Stump
    • none
  4. Finance Chief Financial Officer, Dr. Dan DoBell
    • Met with the Board Audit Committee.
    • Closing out the books on FY 23.
    • Announced that training in purchase orders and requisitions has begun.
    • Answered trustees’ questions.
  5. Operations
    • Gary Holeman noted the IT wireless upgrade is complete.
    • Is working on internet upgrades for the Nyack and Orangeburg locations, Haverstraw will follow.
  6. Institutional Advancement Vice President, Susan Lyddon
    • Thanked Susan Ramos for taking 20 students to a Broadway show and dinner.
    • Announced that this is her last board meeting, and appreciates the board for all the good work they have done together.
    • Chair Wortendyke expressed gratitude for Susan’s work at the College and noted that she will be dearly missed.

Consent Agenda – Board Chair Martin Wortendyke


A motion by Trustee Valentine, second by Trustee Yeger to table the following resolutions:

  1. Creation of the Position of Counsel and Advisor to the President (Resolution 27-2023)
  2. Creation of the Position of Executive Director for Global Education and International Affairs (Resolution 28-2023)

Yeas: Trustees Wortendyke, Rand, Eckert, Valentine, Ramos, Yeger and Ross.
Nays: none
Motion passed: 7 yeas, 0 nay, 0 abstention

Chair Wortendyke announced the following consent agenda, noting that Resolution 26-2023 was amended to remove the salary.

  1. Approval of the Previous Meeting Minutes: 8/21/23
  2. Approving the President’s Appointment of Purysabel Uregar to Executive Director, Human Resources (Resolution 24-2023)
  3. Creation of the Position Chief of Staff and Strategic Initiatives (Resolution 25-2023)
  4. Approving the President’s Appointment of Dr. Irene Delgado, Chief of Staff and Strategic Initiatives (Resolution 26-2023)
  5. Approval to Accept Funds for the Construction and Expansion of the Nursing Simulation Lab (Resolution 29-2023)

A motion by Trustee Yeger, second by Trustee Valentine to approve the consent agenda.

Yeas: Trustees Wortendyke, Rand, Eckert, Valentine, Ramos, Yeger and Ross.
Nays: none
Motion passed: 7 yeas, 0 nay, 0 abstention

Chair Wortendyke

  • Expressed condolences on behalf of the Board to Trustee Watkins on the loss of her brother.

Board Secretary Report

  • Ms. Ileana Eckert
    • none


  • none

Board Community Outreach Report

  • Mr. Grant Valentine
    • Represented the College at various events around the County.
    • Discussed the budget challenges all community colleges are facing and noted inequity in funding between 4-year and community colleges.

Board Education Day

  • Ileana Eckert, Grant Valentine
    • Virginia Melendez announced that RCC has won a complimentary Board retreat from ACCT.
    • Grant Valentine has been elected secretary to NYCCT.

Student Government Association Report

  • Emily Ross
    • Met with the SGA president Sundhari Ruth
    • Will work very hard to ensure that students are aware of all the resources available to them. Is planning an event with the Street Team, the student marketing group, to provide students with that information.

By Trustee Valentine, second by Trustee Yeger, and unanimously approved by trustees: Wortendyke, Rand, Eckert, Valentine, Ramos, Yeger and Ross to adjourn at 8:40pm.

Meeting Date: Tuesday, October 3, 2023
Time: 1:00 pm
Place: Brucker Hall, Suite 6205

Board Meeting Minutes

The 824th board meeting of the Rockland Community College Board of Trustees was held Tuesday, October 3, 2023, at 145 College Road, Suffern, New York 10901.

Trustees Present: Martin Wortendyke, Board Chair; Joseph Rand, Board Vice Chair; Ileana Eckert, Board Secretary; Grant Valentine, Community Outreach Liaison; Lynne Hilowitz; Susan Oelkers-Ramos; L’Tanya Watkins; Emily Ross, student trustee.

Also Present: Dr. Lester Sandres Rápalo, President; Dr. Dan DoBell, Chief Financial Officer; Thomas McDonough, attorney, Jackson Lewis

Absent Was: Elana Yeger (excused)

The meeting was called to order at 1:02 pm by Chair Wortendyke.

  • Roll call was taken.
  • No public comment.

A motion by Trustee Valentine, second by Trustee Rand to enter into executive session to discuss the employment of a particular person at 1:06 pm.

Yeas: Trustees Wortendyke, Rand, Eckert, Valentine, Hilowitz, Oelkers-Ramos; Watkins and Ross
Nays: none
Motion passed: 8 yeas, 0 nay, 0 abstention

No Action was taken

A motion by Trustee Hilowitz, second by Trustee Watkins to come out of executive session at 3:35 pm.

Yeas: Trustees Wortendyke, Rand, Eckert, Valentine, Hilowitz; Oelkers-Ramos; Watkins and Ross
Nays: none
Motion passed: 8 yeas, 0 nay, 0 abstention

A motion by Trustee Rand, second by Trustee Watkins to adjourn at 3:35 pm.

Yeas: Trustees Wortendyke, Rand, Eckert, Valentine, Hilowitz; Oelkers-Ramos; Watkins and Ross
Nays: none
Motion passed: 8 yeas, 0 nay, 0 abstention

Combined Workshop & Board Meeting Agenda

Meeting Date: Tuesday, October 24, 2023
Time: 5:00 pm
Place: Student Union, Room 3214

  1. Roll Call
  2. Public Comment
  3. Executive Session
  4. President’s Agenda President, Dr. Lester Sandres Rápalo
  5. Department Highlights
    1. Academic Affairs Officer in Charge, Dr. Katherine Lynch
    2. Enrollment Management and Student Affairs
    3. Economic Mobility & Workforce Innovation Vice President, Kevin Stump
    4. Finance Chief Financial Officer, Dr. Dan DoBell
    5. Operations and Strategic Initiatives
    6. Institutional Advancement
  6. Consent Agenda
    • Approval of the Previous Meeting Minutes: 9/18/23, 10/3/23
    • Approving the President’s Appointment of Dr. Victoria C. Ukachukwu to Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs (Resolution 30-2023)
    • Approving the President’s Appointment of Ms. Aida Rosario to Vice President of Advancement, Communications & External Relations (Resolution 31-2023)
  7. Board Secretary Report Secretary, Ileana Eckert
  8. NYCCT/ACCT Reports Trustee, Lynne Hilowitz
  9. Board Education Day Ileana Eckert, Grant Valentine
  10. Board Community Outreach Report Liaison, Grant Valentine
  11. Student Government Report Student Trustee, Emily Ross
  12. Audit Committee Report Board Chair, Martin Wortendyke, Ileana Eckert
    Lynne Hilowitz, Susan Ramos
  13. Old/New Business Board Chair, Martin Wortendyke

Please note: Resolutions & Reports which require action by the Board of Trustees are fully discussed at the monthly Board Workshop. All meetings of the Board are open to the public.

Combined Workshop & Board Meeting Minutes

The 825th board meeting of the Rockland Community College Board of Trustees was held on Tuesday, October 24, 2023 at Rockland Community College, Student Union, 3214, 145 College Road, Suffern, NY 10901.

Trustees Present: Joseph Rand, Board Vice Chair; Grant Valentine, Community Outreach Liaison; Lynne Hilowitz; Susan Ramos; L’Tanya Watkins; Elana Yeger; Emily Ross, Student Trustee.

Also Present: Dr. Lester Sandres Rápalo, President; Dr. Katherine Lynch, Officer in Charge, Academic Affairs; Kevin Stump, Vice President, Economic Mobility and Workforce Innovation; Dr. Dan DoBell, Chief Financial Officer; Gary Holeman, Chief Information Officer; Dr. Virginia Melendez, Executive Director, Strategic Initiatives; Dr. Latoya Blount, Executive Director, Student Engagement & College Life; Purysabel Uregar, Executive Director, Human Resources; Thomas McDonough, attorney, Jackson Lewis; Dr. Kristopher Baker, Eric Magaram, Representatives, Faculty Senate; Dana Caponong, Coordinator, International Scholar Services & Global Opportunities; Burton Louis-Charles, President, Administrative & Staff Assembly; Dylan Griffith, Michael Kluger, videographers.

Absent Was: Martin Wortendyke (excused); Ileana Eckert (excused)

The meeting was called to order at 5:03 pm by Vice Chair Rand.

Roll call was taken.

Dr. Rápalo introduced Purysabel Uregar, the new Executive Director of Human Resources.

Public Comment

  • Burton Louis-Charles, the new President of the Administrative & Staff Assembly (ASA), introduced himself and asked the board to offer a remote option. Vice Chair Rand said the board would look into it.

Consent Agenda – Board Vice Chair Joseph Rand

Vice Chair Rand read the following:

  • Approval of the Previous Meeting Minutes: 9/18/23, 10/3/23
  • Approving the President’s Appointment of Dr. Victoria C. Ukachukwu to Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs (Resolution 30-2023)
  • Approving the President’s Appointment of Ms. Aida Rosario to Vice President of Advancement, Communications & External Relations (Resolution 31-2023)

A motion by Trustee Yeger, second by Trustee Valentine to approve the consent agenda.

Yeas: Rand, Valentine, Hilowitz, Ramos, Yeger and Ross.
Nays: none
Motion passed: 6 yeas, 0 nays, 0 abstentions

Trustee Watkins joined at 5:10.

A motion by Trustee Valentine, second by Trustee Yeger to enter into executive session to discuss the employment of a particular person at 5:11 pm.

Yeas: Trustees Rand, Valentine, Hilowitz, Ramos, Watkins, Yeger and Ross
Nays: none
Motion passed: 7 yeas, 0 nays, 0 abstentions

No Action was taken

A motion by Trustee Watkins, second by Trustee Hilowitz to come out of executive session at 6:16pm.

Yeas: Trustees Rand, Eckert, Valentine, Ramos, Watkins, Yeger and Ross
Nays: none
Motion passed: 7 yeas, 0 nays, 0 abstentions

Trustee Yeger left at 6:16.

President’s Report

  • Dr. Lester Sandres Rápalo
    • Thanked Dr. Meléndez and Susanna Santiago for their work on Hispanic Heritage Month.
    • Will be speaking at the Rockland Business Association luncheon on November 16.
    • Discussed the many introductory meetings with faculty, staff and students.
    • Thanked Clarke Osborn and the Public Safety department for keeping the campus
    • Met with representatives from the Wonder Girls, a program that helps build confidence, leadership and business skills.
    • Is proud to contribute articles to the Forbes Business Council, a fee-based networking organization for business owners.
    • Hosted various leaders of the Hispanic community, including the NYS Secretary of Education who shared their educational and immigration journeys.

Department Highlights

  1. Academic Affairs Officer in Charge, Dr. Katherine Lynch
    • Highlighted Professor Kevin Barrett and Professor David Lucander on their recent accomplishments.
    • Announced a collaboration between Academic Affairs and EMWI for Service learning projects that will kick off in the Spring semester.
    • Answered trustees’ questions regarding the English Skills Academy, grant opportunities and Honors program transfer data.
  2. Enrollment Management and Student Affairs Executive Director, LaToya Blount
    • Noted that student Christina Day was highlighted in St. Thomas Aquinas newsletter for her continued community service work.
    • Provided an enrollment update, reporting that RCC is up 6% over last year and at 99% of budgeted target with expectation of 1990 FTEs.
    • Answered trustees’ questions regarding recruitment efforts that target adult learners.
  3. Economic Mobility and Workforce Innovation Vice President, Kevin Stump
    • Is proud to say that EMWI’s first two cohorts generated over $500,000 in revenue since September, and is on target to reach the $2 million goal for the year.
    • Thanked the division for their hard work in achieving this goal.
    • Provided an update on the Haverstraw Center and is awaiting word on the updated lease. Once signed, the SUNY ATTAIN Lab agreement will be processed.
    • Is collaborating with Academic Affairs on stackable pathways.
    • Answered trustees’ questions regarding competency-based skills, certificate programs, and the importance of grants.
  4. Finance Chief Financial Officer, Dr. Dan DoBell
    • Reported that the auditors will be here the first week of November.
    • Trustees requested that the budget report contain year to year comparisons.
    • Answered trustees’ questions.
  5. Operations
    • Dan DoBell mentioned that we have received $3 million for a nursing simulation lab and are working on acquiring high-fidelity equipment for the lab.
  6. Institutional Advancement
    • none

Board Secretary Report

  • Ms. Ileana Eckert
    • none


  • Lynne Hilowitz
    • Reported that the NYCCT conference is November 3, and several trustees will be attending. She stressed the importance of attending these conferences.

Dr. Rápalo announced that Dr. Virginia Melendez has been accepted into the SUNY Hispanic Leadership Institute. Vice Chair Rand and Trustee Valentine commended her on this honor, and thanked her for her invaluable assistance during the presidential search process.

Board Community Outreach Report

  • Grant Valentine
    • Discussed his meeting with Chancellor King regarding the inequity in funding between 4-year and community colleges.
    • Spoke about creating a drone program at RCC.
    • Recognized the students that were granted scholarships and will be attending the criminal justice conference.
    • Represented the College at various events, including the recent breast cancer awareness walk at the Woodbury Commons.

Board Education Day

  • Ileana Eckert, Grant Valentine
    • none

Student Government Association Report

  • Emily Ross
    • Highlighted that the SGA board is working on many initiatives including a food drive and a blood drive in November.
    • Announced that the Street Team and the SGA is hosting a “Trick or Thought” event for Halloween aimed at making students aware of all the resources available to them.

By Trustee Watkins, second by Trustee Valentine, and unanimously approved by trustees: Rand, Valentine, Hilowitz, Ramos, Watkins and Ross to adjourn at 7:16pm.

Board Meeting Agenda

Meeting Date: Thursday, November 2, 2023
Time: 2:00 pm
Place: Brucker Hall, Room 6205, Conference Room

  1. Roll Call
  2. Public Comment
  3. Executive Session
  4. Consent Agenda
    • Approving the President’s Appointment of Mr. Victor Anaya to Vice President of Finance and Administration (Resolution 32-2023)
  5. Old/New Business Board Chair, Martin Wortendyke

Please note: Resolutions & Reports which require action by the Board of Trustees are fully discussed at the monthly Board Workshop. All meetings of the Board are open to the public.

Board Meeting Minutes

The 826th board meeting of the Rockland Community College Board of Trustees was held Thursday, November 2, 2023, at 145 College Road, Suffern, New York 10901.

Trustees Present: Martin Wortendyke, Board Chair; Ileana Eckert, Board Secretary; Grant Valentine, Community Outreach Liaison; L’Tanya Watkins; Elana Yeger; Emily Ross, student trustee.

Also Present: Dr. Lester Sandres Rápalo, President; Dr. Virginia Meléndez, Executive Director, Strategic Initiatives; Aida Rosario, Vice President, Communications and External Relations.

Absent Was: Joseph Rand, Board Vice Chair (excused); Lynne Hilowitz (excused); Susan Oelkers-Ramos; (excused)

The meeting was called to order at 2:05 pm by Chair Wortendyke.

  • Roll call was taken.
  • No public comment.

A motion by Trustee Valentine, second by Trustee Yeger to enter into executive session to discuss the employment of a particular person at 2:10 pm.

Yeas: Trustees Wortendyke, Eckert, Valentine, Watkins, Yeger and Ross
Nays: none
Motion passed: 6 yeas, 0 nays, 0 abstentions

No Action was taken

A motion by Trustee Valentine, second by Trustee Yeger to come out of executive session at 3:00 pm.

Yeas: Trustees Wortendyke, Eckert, Valentine, Watkins, Yeger and Ross
Nays: none
Motion passed: 6 yeas, 0 nays, 0 abstentions

Consent Agenda – Board Chair Martin Wortendyke

Chair Wortendyke read the following:

  • Approving the President’s Appointment of Mr. Victor Anaya to Vice President of Finance and Administration (Resolution 32-2023)

A motion by Trustee Valentine, second by Trustee Yeger to approve the consent agenda.

Yeas: Wortendyke, Eckert, Valentine, Watkins, Yeger and Ross.
Nays: none
Motion passed: 6 yeas, 0 nay, 0 abstention

A motion by Trustee Valentine, second by Trustee Watkins to adjourn at 3:03pm.

Yeas: Trustees Wortendyke, Eckert, Valentine, Watkins, Yeger, and Ross
Nays: none
Motion passed: 6 yeas, 0 nay, 0 abstention

Combined Workshop & Board Meeting Agenda

Meeting Date: Monday, November 27, 2023
Time: 5:30 pm
Place: Technology Center, Ellipse

  1. Roll Call
  2. Public Comment
  3. President’s Agenda President, Dr. Lester Sandres Rápalo
  4. Department Highlights
    1. Academic Affairs Provost, Dr. Victoria Ukachukwu
    2. Enrollment Management and Student Affairs Executive Director, Brian Sondey
    3. Economic Mobility & Workforce Innovation Vice President, Kevin Stump
    4. Finance Controller, William Carroll
    5. Operations
    6. Institutional Advancement Vice President, Aida Rosario
  5. Consent Agenda
    • Approval of the Previous Meeting Minutes: 10/24/23, 11/2/23
    • Approving the Personnel Savings Plan (Resolution 33-2023)
  6. Board Secretary Report Secretary, Ileana Eckert
  7. NYCCT/ACCT Reports Trustee, Lynne Hilowitz
  8. Board Education Day Ileana Eckert, Grant Valentine
  9. Board Community Outreach Report Liaison, Grant Valentine
  10. Student Government Report Student Trustee, Emily Ross
  11. Audit Committee Report Board Chair, Martin Wortendyke, Ileana Eckert
    Lynne Hilowitz, Susan Ramos
  12. Old/New Business Board Chair, Martin Wortendyke
    • Discussion – Building naming policy
    • Discussion – Virtual Board meetings
  13. Executive Session (if necessary)

Please note: Resolutions & Reports which require action by the Board of Trustees are fully discussed at the monthly Board Workshop. All meetings of the Board are open to the public.

Combined Workshop & Board Meeting Minutes

The 827th board meeting of the Rockland Community College Board of Trustees was held on Monday, November 27, 2023 at Rockland Community College, Technology Center, Ellipse, 145 College Road, Suffern, NY 10901.

Trustees Present: Martin Wortendyke, Board Chair; Joseph Rand, Board Vice Chair; Ileana Eckert, Board Secretary; Grant Valentine, Community Outreach Liaison; L’Tanya Watkins; Elana Yeger; Emily Ross, Student Trustee.

Also Present: Dr. Lester Sandres Rápalo, President; Dr. Victoria C. Ukachukwu, Provost and Vice President, Academic Affairs; Kevin Stump, Vice President, Economic Mobility and Workforce Innovation; Dr. Irene Delgado, Chief of Staff; Dr. Virginia Melendez, Executive Director, Strategic Initiatives; Brian Sondey, Executive Director, Enrollment Management; Melissa Roy, Chief Diversity Officer; Purysabel Uregar, Executive Director, Human Resources; Bill Carroll, Controller; Dr. Kristopher Baker, President, RCC Federation of Teachers; Eric Magaram, President, Faculty Senate; Elizabeth Troutner, President, RCC Federation of Administrators; Burton Louis-Charles, Dana Caponong, Administrative & Staff Assembly; Professor Josephine Coleman, Dylan Griffith, Michael Kluger, videographers.

Absent Was: Lynne Hilowitz (excused); Susan Oelkers-Ramos (excused)

The meeting was called to order at 5:35 pm by Chair Wortendyke.

Roll call was taken.

Chair Wortendyke reminded the audience that public comment is limited to three minutes and speakers should submit their written remarks if they wish them included in the minutes.

Public Comment

  • Kris Baker spoke on behalf of the RCC Federation of Teachers (remarks included)
  • Eric Magaram spoke on behalf of the Faculty Senate, expressing frustration with lack of transparency and mixed messages from the administration.
  • Josephine Coleman spoke against Resolution 33-2023 Approving the Personnel Savings Plan.
  • Elizabeth Troutner spoke on behalf of the RCC Federation of Administrators (remarks included)
  • Burton Louis-Charles, Dana Caponong, spoke on behalf of the Administrative Staff Assembly ASA (remarks included)

President’s Report

  • Dr. Lester Sandres Rápalo
    • Announced that Katie Lynch, Officer in Charge Academic Affairs and Melissa Roy, Chief Diversity Officer are the co-chairs for the Middle States accreditation process.
    • Introduced Dr. Victoria Ukachukwu, new Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs, and thanked Katie Lynch for stepping in during the transition.
    • Attended the New York Community College Trustees’ (NYCCT) gala where RCC Foundation Board member and RCC alum Howard Hellman was honored.
    • Attended the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) conference where Dr. Leidy Pichardo and Edwin Rivadeneyra presented.
    • Thanked Vice President Kevin Stump and the EMWI division on receiving almost one million dollars.
    • Participated in the multicultural Thanksgiving luncheon, attended by nearly 200 students.
    • Attended the candlelight vigil in honor of the Trans Day of Remembrance.
    • Spoke at the Rockland Business Association luncheon, specifically focusing on workforce programs.
    • Introduced a work from home agreement.

Department Highlights

  1. Academic Affairs Provost, Dr. Victoria Ukachukwu
    • none
  2. Enrollment Management and Student Affairs Executive Director, Brian Sondey
    • Thanked Dr. LaToya Blount for her collaboration on the Enrollment Management and Student Services (EMSA) report.
    • As a result of the success of the Hawks Hub (the on campus food pantry) and other student support services, we can now extend services to our Haverstraw extension site.
    • Reported that fall enrollment was up 6%, at 99% of budgeted target.
    • Answered trustees’ questions.
  3. Economic Mobility and Workforce Innovation Vice President, Kevin Stump
    • Highlighted the nearly one million dollar grant from the Empire State Development Fund. He acknowledged the grants and finance teams for their work with the EMWI team on this grant. This program is looking to launch in the spring 2024.
    • Answered trustees’ questions regarding drone program partnerships.
  4. Finance Controller, William Carroll
    • Reported that revenues are up due in part to increase in enrollment and revenue from workforce programs. Expenses are slightly down.
    • Dr. Rápalo thanked Bill for stepping in during this time of transition.
    • Answered trustees’ questions.
  5. Operations
    • none
  6. Institutional Advancement
    • Highlighted the various communications that were generated from Strategic Marketing.
    • Noted the collaboration with the grants team and various departments on campus.
    • Answered trustees’ questions.

Consent Agenda – Board Chair Martin Wortendyke

Chair Wortendyke read the following:

  • Approval of the Previous Meeting Minutes: 10/24/23, 11/2/23
  • Approving the Personnel Savings Plan (Resolution 33-2023)

A motion by Trustee Rand, second by Trustee Watkins to separate the consent agenda.

Yeas: Wortendyke, Rand, Eckert, Valentine, Watkins, Yeger and Ross.
Nays: none
Motion passed: 7 yeas, 0 nays, 0 abstentions

A motion by Trustee Rand, second by Trustee Watkins to approve the previous meeting minutes, 10/24/23, 11/2/23

Yeas: Wortendyke, Rand, Eckert, Valentine, Watkins, Yeger and Ross.
Nays: none
Motion passed: 7 yeas, 0 nays, 0 abstentions

A motion by Trustee Rand, second by Trustee Yeger to move Resolution 33-2023, Approving the Personnel Savings Plan, to discussion.

Yeas: Wortendyke, Rand, Eckert, Valentine, Watkins, Yeger and Ross.
Nays: none
Motion passed: 7 yeas, 0 nays, 0 abstentions

A motion by Trustee Rand, second by Trustee Watkins to amend Resolution 33-2023, Approving the Personnel Savings Plan (see resolutions for amended memo)

Yeas: Wortendyke, Rand, Eckert, Valentine, Watkins, Yeger and Ross.
Nays: none
Motion passed: 7 yeas, 0 nays, 0 abstentions

A motion by Trustee Yeger, second by Trustee Watkins to approve amended Resolution 33-2023, Approving the Personnel Savings Plan

Yeas: Wortendyke, Rand, Eckert, Valentine, Watkins, Yeger and Ross.
Nays: none
Motion passed: 7 yeas, 0 nays, 0 abstentions

Trustee Rand left the meeting.

Board Secretary Report

  • Ms. Ileana Eckert
    • none


  • Lynne Hilowitz
    • none

Board Education Day

  • Ileana Eckert, Grant Valentine
    • Tentative date is January 29, 2024 before the January board meeting.

Board Community Outreach Report

  • Grant Valentine
    • Represented the College at various events.

Student Government Association Report

  • Emily Ross
    • Reported that the Student Government Association is sponsoring a Free Speech Forum
    • Provided an update on various SGA initiatives.

Old/New Business

  • none

By Trustee Yeger, second by Trustee Watkins, and unanimously approved by trustees: Wortendyke, Eckert, Valentine, Watkins, Yeger and Ross to adjourn at 7:17pm.


To: Board of Trustees, SUNY Rockland Community College
From: The Administration & Staff Assembly, SU NY Rockland Community College
Date: November 27, 2023
Re: A Statement Prepared by the Administrative Staff Assembly

This statement was prepared by the Administrative Staff Assembly. All contents were discussed at a meeting of the general membership, formatted, then voted upon by general membership for presentation during the public comment period of the November 27th meeting of the Board of Trustees. During general membership assembly, SUNY Rockland Community College administrators and staff discussed the state of the College and would like to collaborate with the Board in establishing a strategic and solution-focused dialogue. Please consider some of the themes and suggestions provided by our membership. Any response may be submitted to Burton Louis-Charles, ASA (Administrative Staff &
Assembly) President at [email protected].


The ASA members have determined that the following factors should be discussed and addressed:

Issues related to lack of communication, inconsistencies, and mixed messaging concerning furloughs and the anticipated impact of decisions made by the Board of Trustees (BOT).

The ASA members would like you to consider the potential positive impacts of- Direct communication from the BOT or President, providing regular updates to college employees regarding furloughs, along with a clear outline of the associated processes and procedures. Additionally, consideration of salary implications in discussing furloughs, particularly emphasizing the impact on households with lower incomes. Implement effective short-staffing responses to mitigate operational challenges.

Board of Trustee Actions

The ASA members have determined that the following factors should be discussed and addressed:

Ensure and maintain equitable access for all stakeholders to discuss governing issues and voice their concerns. Additionally, reinforce that ASA serves as governing point of contact and fosters a mutual relationship that extends to all executive bodies with consistency.

The ASA members would like you to consider the potential positive impacts of- Implement a virtual option for BOT meetings to enhance accessibility for staff attendance. Ensure that ASA receives the same communication as other governing bodies. Organize a special meeting with the BOT at the start of the semester to discuss specific line items addressing ASA members’ concerns.

Transparency, Communication, & Accountability

The ASA members have determined that the following factor should be discussed and addressed:

Ensure open and timely communication regarding business decisions.

The ASA members would like you to consider the potential positive impacts of the following:

Enhance transparency and keep stakeholders informed through weekly/monthly reports. Provide accessibility for remote participation, ensuring broader engagement with ASA.

Additional Suggestions

The ASA members would like you to consider the potential positive impacts of the following:

  • Fund programs based on profitability, ensuring resource allocation efficiency.
  • Provide clear and transparent information on the return on investment for increased accountability.
  • Develop comprehensive plans for layoffs and voluntary separations, including strategies for supervisors responsible for accounting for staff losses.
  • Evaluate and strategize solutions for managing rents at satellite campuses.

The Administrative Staff Assembly is grateful for the opportunity to speak this evening and for your current and future efforts to improve the financial outlook of SUNY Rockland Community College while we academically challenge, holistically support, and continue to serve our energetic and diverse student body.

Remarks – Elizabeth Troutner RCCFA

My name is Elizabeth Troutner and I am the President of the Rockland Community College Federation of Administrators.

On behalf of my membership, we are asking the board to consider tabling Resolution 34 – Approving the Personnel Savings Plan.

We request that impact bargaining take place prior to the Board approving a plan for personnel savings.

As stated by the National Labor Relations Board, the College has a duty to bargain over the effects of its decision to furlough and lay off its employees.

We believe it is in the best interest of both the unit and the College to weigh the impact of its decision while finalizing a plan.

Respectfully, my unit has been prepared to bargain over this issue since it was raised at the Emergency Governance Meeting on October 5th.

However, there have been no governance meetings or other formal communications to our unit or others since October 20th, which was the last shared governance meeting we had.

The communication with my unit and others has not been clear regarding the furlough plans.

At the last governance meeting, we were told that the College was proposing a 1 day per month furlough over the course of 6 months, which differs from the currently presented plan.

Yet, in an EMSA staffing update meeting that took place on Friday, November 17th, members of my unit were told that furloughs were “on hold.”

On Tuesday, November 21st, we received the Board Packet for today’s meeting with Resolution 34.

Despite these changes, our unit remains prepared to bargain.

We understand the College’s fiscal realities, make no attempt to pretend they don’t exist, and recognize that difficult choices lie ahead.

However, all we are asking is for the opportunity for our unit to present its concerns over the specific impacts this will have on our members and for the College to consider those concerns prior to making this decision.

Thank you for your time and consideration and we hope you all will move to table Resolution 34.

Remarks – Kris Baker RCCFT


Never in 45 years of being on campus have I formally spoken at the BOT; I’ve never had a reason to.

We have worked collaboratively with past presidents and cabinets, and we continue to be resolute in working with Dr. Rápalo and his team to be successful and fulfill our mission to our community and students.

I love my job as do the 115 people in my unit and if I ventured a guess, most of the folks on campus especially where student service is concerned.

The college has been my family and my home away from home. We spend more time here at RCC anyway.

We are all here tonight due to overwhelming frustrations and fiscal uncertainties that if not addressed, and if not well planned out, serve to rip the fabric of our institution apart.

The fiscal situation isn’t the current administrations fault anymore than it’s any of ours. This is a college but it is also in many ways a business. This is business, that much is sure, but it feels personal when things happen to you.

The people in room, and certainly the 115 Faculty and Staff I represent, have no appetite for furloughs or any kind of unjust removal of what is guaranteed via our respective CBAs. Removing negotiated salaries from loyal, hard working employees, while we’re hiring at salaries that are now greater than ever due to inflation to be competitive, is wrong.


We’ve always had cash flow issues since I can remember at RCC. We have a history of not paying bills on time. I’ve personally witnessed this is the 80s, 90s, and beyond. We are always 2.5+- mil in the hole. We hear this at every start up and at every wind up every year, 2x a year at least.

1982 – first faculty diaspora 7 fired (and rehired)
1990s – a situation that shall not be named but cost the college millions and still has folks at large to this day.
2003-4 – second faculty diaspora (untenured firings and rehiring)
2010 – SUNY attempted to furlough faculty to raise cash flow and fund balances at the 4-years in situations. They were unsuccessful for a variety of reasons including inconsistencies with CBAs and the law.


I speak for 115 members, and while I only represent the unit, I suspect tonight I speak for many more.

Fiscal situations of this nature do not start/end in a night. Nor to they happen in an instant. We were at a place of balance on June 30, and on July 1, the college was in fiscal ruin. How does that happen and no one notices? It doesn’t feel real…… is it?

If the board determines there is a structural deficit, and not simply the results of projections or some mathematical creativity, the fix must be discussed as a campus and worked on together in the same fashion of CBAs are and in a manner consistent with our governance practices. If the campus is owed revenues, we should collect.

SUNY doesn’t dictate corrective actions; we are free to propose our own course of collective action to right our ship if and when needed. Should the board determine that fiscal correction is needed, we respectfully request the board allow the bargaining units, and governance groups, the ability to do what we do, so that the outcomes are fair and consistent with our CBAS, laws, and best practices. And while each group, from the BOT on down, have their specific responsibilities and duties, we will only grow, and continue to be successful, by working together.