The Finance Office is an important part of the College, as it is responsible for financial management, budgeting, and investment strategies. They work to maintain transparency and good financial practices, providing advice on spending policies, paying vendors on time, and keeping accurate records of financial transactions. They also prepare reports to show how the College’s assets are being used and contribute to the overall fiscal responsibility of the institution. By working closely with the College community, the Finance Office helps ensure that the College is using its resources wisely and effectively.
I am an employee.
I am a vendor.
Contact Information
Accounts Payable
The Accounts Payable Department ensures timely and accurate payment of invoices necessary for maintaining good relationships with vendors.
Theresa Killian
[email protected]
Denise Smith
[email protected]
The Budget Department strives to provide the campus community with accurate information that will facilitate the achievement of sound fiscal decisions.
Gregg Millheiser, Staff Accountant
[email protected]
Nancy Alexander, Account Clerk
[email protected]
Grant Accounting
Debra Bouabidi
[email protected]
Florian Viloria
[email protected]
The Purchasing Department administers all purchasing activities regarding materials, supplies, services, and equipment. Purchasing’s primary function is to ensure that Rockland Community College receives the best possible products and services at the lowest possible cost.
Finance and Business Services Policies
Purchasing, POs, Requisitions
Renee Pereira-Jersey, Purchaser II
[email protected]
Technology Center, Room 8300A
Phone: 845-574-4573