International Education Month
International Education Month is an annual celebration of international education and exchange worldwide as a joint initiative of the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education. Institutions across the United States and around the world host events throughout the month to recognize international students, education abroad and internationalization. The International Education Month Planning Committee will be hosting programs that allow the RCC Community to: learn about the resources available to international students, COIL/Virtual Exchange, study abroad opportunities, enjoy a multicultural Thanksgiving, discover a new service-learning initiative in response to the UN’s call to action on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, and most importantly, have fun celebrating diversity at RCC!
If you are interested in learning more about Global Opportunities at RCC please email [email protected].

2023 International Education Month Events
International Authors and the UN’s SDG’s Lib Guide!
Click to find some great reads in the month of November!
Upcoming Events
- There are no upcoming events.
2023 International Education Month
Planning Committee
Saika Aristild, Student
Peter Arvanites
Jeffrey Babcock, Student
LaToya Blount
Sharada Brooks-Glenn
Julie Brown
Dana Caponong
Jessica Gilot
Grazyna Gliwiak
Mark Gomes
Sha-Tanna Gray
Ray Henry, Student
Kaia Hme, Student
Eileen MacAvery-Kane
Michael Kluger
Patricia Maloney-Titland
Steven Marks
Christina Merriweather
Felicity Popovich
Kevin Rapelye
Edwin Rivadeneyra
Cathy Roche
Susanna Santiago
Sukbin Song
Chris Spezial
Patricia Szobonya
Dayanara Vasquez, Student
Recipe Blog
Include: culture or country of origin, ingredients, step-by-step cooking and plating instructions, a description of the dish and when it is traditionally served, a photo of the finished product if available
Recipes will be included on our International Education Month website throughout November!
Travel Blog
Did you go somewhere interesting? Do something fun? Eat something tasty? We want to hear about it! Entries will be published on our International Education Month webpage and shared via social media!
Include: your name, where you traveled to, the place or activity you want to tell us about, a description of the place or activity