Irish Heritage Month

The Robert Flynn Irish Heritage Festival at Rockland Community College

Originally Funded by the Kurz Family Foundation,
Now funded by RCC Student Activities Fees and the Visual & Performing Arts Department

Begun in 1991, Irish American Heritage Month is an annual, month-long celebration in the United States designed to honor the achievements and contributions of Irish immigrants and their experience in American life and culture. Here at Rockland Community College, we celebrate Irish Heritage through a wee bit of a glimpse of the traditions, culture and spirit of Irish Americans.

In 2015, the Kurz Family Foundation generously donated funds to begin The Robert Flynn Irish Heritage Festival, in honor of William Flynn and Herb Kurz. From that moment on, we have been dedicated to raising funds for philanthropic organizations that are committed to bettering humanity and to doing their part in changing the lives of others.

The festival regularly donates to a multitude of organizations including Habitat for Humanity and a bevy of humanitarian enterprises. However, the largest benefactor of the festival’s contributions continually goes to Concern Worldwide US, in honor of the extraordinary work done by Thomas J. Moran and his unyielding support of the organization. In additional honor of Tom, we have renamed our annual grand performance event, the Thomas J. Moran Crossroads Ceili. (Usually performed annually in the Cultural Arts Theatre)

Thomas Moran surrounded by children
Humanitarian and Philanthropist – Thomas J. Moran
Thomas J. Moran with three children

2025 Irish Heritage Month Events

All events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.

Upcoming Events

Irish Blessings, Proverbs and Sayings

2025 Irish Heritage Month
Planning Committee Co-Chairs

Patty Maloney-Titland
Dr. Christina Schaudel

2025 Irish Heritage Month
Planning Committee

Josephine Coleman
Christopher Plummer
Rosemary Witte
Sophia Baumes and Ella Sembiring
(Student Representatives)
Andrew Marcinak
(Alumni/Community Representative)