Somos el Futuro
Did you know…
Rockland Community College is a Hispanic Serving Institution. This means that 25% of Hispanic students account for enrollment at the College.
What is “Somos el Futuro“?
Somos el Futuro (We are the Future) focuses on empowering Hispanic and Latino students by providing them with resources, support, and opportunities to excel academically. It aims to address the unique challenges and barriers faced by students, such as language barriers, financial constraints, and limited access to educational resources.
The program offers a range of services and activities, which may include academic tutoring, college and career counseling, and cultural enrichment programs. By providing these resources and support, Somos el Futuro’s goal is to improve college enrollment and completion rates, and ultimately enhance opportunities for success in college and beyond.
¿Quienes “Somos”?
Somos el Futuro se enfoca en empoderar a estudiantes hispanos y latinos al brindarles recursos, apoyo y oportunidades para destacarse académicamente. Su objetivo es abordar los desafíos y barreras únicas que enfrentan estos estudiantes, como las barreras idiomáticas, las limitaciones financieras y el acceso limitado a recursos educativos.
El programa ofrece una variedad de servicios y actividades, que pueden incluir tutorías académicas, asesoramiento universitario y profesional, y programas de enriquecimiento cultural. Al proporcionar estos recursos y apoyo, el objetivo de Somos el Futuro es mejorar las tasas de inscripción y finalización universitaria, y en última instancia, mejorar las oportunidades de éxito en la universidad.
Somos el Futuro Peer Mentoring Program
A peer mentor is a student who provides guidance, support, and assistance to their peers who may be facing academic, personal, or social challenges. Peer mentors are typically more experienced students who have successfully navigated the same academic environment and can offer insights, advice, and resources to their mentees.
The mentoring relationship is a dynamic and collaborative partnership between the peer mentor and the mentee. It is characterized by mutual trust, respect, and open communication. The mentor serves as a role model, offering guidance, encouragement, and practical assistance to the mentee. The mentee, on the other hand, actively engages in the mentoring process, seeking guidance, sharing concerns, and actively working towards personal and academic growth.
Required Qualifications
- Must be an academic role model and have a 3.0 GPA
- Interest in working with a diverse population
- Knowledge of campus resources and support systems
- Strong interpersonal skills
- Bi-lingual in Spanish or Creole preferred

Un mentor entre pares es un estudiante que brinda orientación, apoyo y asistencia a sus compañeros que pueden estar enfrentando desafíos académicos, personales o sociales. Los mentores entre pares suelen ser estudiantes más experimentados que han navegado exitosamente el mismo entorno académico y pueden ofrecer conocimientos, consejos y recursos a sus mentorados.
La relación de mentoría es una asociación dinámica y colaborativa entre el mentor entre pares y el mentorado. Se caracteriza por la confianza mutua, el respeto y la comunicación abierta. El mentor actúa como modelo a seguir, ofreciendo orientación, aliento y asistencia práctica al mentorado. Por otro lado, el mentorado participa activamente en el proceso de mentoría, buscando orientación, compartiendo inquietudes y trabajando activamente hacia el crecimiento personal y académico.
Requisitos necesarios
- Debe ser un modelo académico y tener un promedio de calificaciones de 3.0
- Interés en trabajar con una población diversa
- Conocimiento de los recursos del campus y los sistemas de apoyo
- Fuertes habilidades interpersonales
- Preferiblemente bilingüe en español o criollo
Top Reasons to Join Somos
Workshops & Fun Activities
Attend FREE events here at the school and throughout the Rockland area to get involved in the community and learn about what it’s like to work in the “real world.”
Mentorship Opportunities
Make friends and learn about the College from people who have already gone to the college with your assigned peer mentor. Somos members also have the option to apply to become a peer mentor to gain leadership and professional experience.
Leadership Building
Attend leadership conferences aimed at teaching you the in’s and out’s of working in a professional environment and take advantage of public speaking opportunities.
Make Friends
Get to know the other amazing, tenacious students in Somos who are all attending Rockland Community College – just like YOU!
Participate in philanthropic activities that are both great for personal growth and resume building.
Finance Knowledge
Attend our free financial counseling seminars that are aimed at helping you to use credit responsibly, avoid fraud, understand investing, manage your credit score and more!
Contact Information
Susanna Santiago, MS
Gender pronouns: she/ella
Somos El Futuro Coordinator, Title V Conexión
[email protected]
[email protected]
Office: Room 2103
Join our SOMOS mentorship club today by completing the online application. You don’t have to be hispanic to join. Our club is open to all RCC students. After you submit your application, you will be contacted via email. If you have any questions please contact [email protected].