You can afford RCC!

In the 2021-2022 academic year, approximately 2,200 students at Rockland Community College shared more than $11 million of financial assistance. Many students are eligible for financial aid and all students are encouraged to apply for funds to help them meet the cost of higher education. Funds are generally available for those who demonstrate financial need.

Financial Aid personnel assist students and families and can help them learn about and apply for federal, state and local financial aid programs. Free personal financial aid counseling and technical assistance is available at

FAFSA Mini-Lab

The FAFSA Mini LAB is OPEN!! Students and Families can now walk-in and get assistance on campus with filling out their FAFSA application. The FAFSA Mini Lab is located in the Technology Center room 8141.

FAFSA Mini-Lab Hours:
Financial Aid Staff Assistance Available
Monday10 am – 4 pm
Tuesday10 am – 4 pm
Wednesday10 am – 4 pm
Thursday10 am – 6 pm

Please email if you have any questions.

Important Numbers
Financial Aid1-845-574-4282
Rockland Community College School Codes(Federal – 002877) (State – 2147)
US Department of Education1-800-4-FEDAID
SAR for hearing-impaired students with access to TTY1-800-730-8913
New York State Higher Education Services Corporation (TAP Information)1-888-NYSHESC
Copy of your Federal Income Tax Transcript1-800-829-1040 or
Copy of your New York State Income Tax Returns1-800-225-5829
Selective Service1-847-688-6888

Useful links

SUNY Smart Track

SUNY Net Price Calculator

The College will disclose the college default rate (CDR), if our rate rises above the national average’