  1. Purpose of Grants
  2. Procedures

Purpose of Grants

The purpose of grants is to advance the College’s mission and to secure support for strategic priorities.

Toward this end, the Grants Office performs the following functions:

  • Aids in the identification of potential opportunities for development;
  • Assists in the evaluation of those opportunities for Rockland Community College;
  • Facilitates the development of grant proposals;
  • Provides oversight of grant-funded projects and reporting requirements; and
  • Provides support, as needed, to individual projects.


  1. All grant proposals must go through the Grants Office.
  2. All grant proposals must adhere to Rockland Community College guidelines for the development and approval of grant-funded projects. This includes a process that insures input and oversight from the following College offices: Grants, Budget and Finance; Human Resources, Department and Division Chairs, Executive Administration, and Facilities. Final approval (by the President and/or Vice President of Finance) of a proposed grant must be obtained on a sign-off sheet before being externally submitted for funding.
  3. Grants project directors are responsible for administering their grant-funded project according to Rockland Community College guidelines and grantor guidelines.
  4. All grant-funded projects must adhere to grantor guidelines for carrying out their scope of work, including budgetary and reporting requirements.
  5. All grant-funded projects must adhere to Rockland Community College guidelines for carrying out their scope of work, including hiring, budgetary, and internal reporting requirements.
  6. The President and/or Vice President of Finance have the sole authority to accept a grant.