Goal 1: Recruit, Retain, and Promote Faculty and Staff that Reflect the Diversity of Our Community

Objective 1: Preparation: Ensure College policies and procedures relating to employee recruitment, retention, promotion, and separation advance equity and accountability.

Action Item 1.1.1

Ensure all positions, including administrators, faculty, and hourly positions, have a job description. (Note: job descriptions for civil service employees are controlled by the County.)
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Operations; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 1.1.2

Ensure each position announcement for full-time administrator and faculty positions includes a preference for experience working with diverse audiences.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Operations; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 1.1.3

Ensure each position description for any employee with supervisory responsibilities includes the following statement:

  • Models inclusive excellence through specific actions that support the College’s diversity goals in the recruitment, hiring, and retention of talented and diverse faculty and staff.

(Accountable Party: Vice President of Operations; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 1.1.4

Require all applicants for administrative and faculty positions to include any diversity accomplishments in their resumes and/or CV (curriculum vitae).
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Operations; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 1.1.5

Advertise position announcements using visually engaging content on social media for each full and open search to fill a vacancy.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Operations, Vice President of Institutional Advancement; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 1.1.6

Advertise position announcements in at least one diversity-related recruiting source, which could include websites, listservs, and social media, above the benchmark for each full and open search to fill a vacancy.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Operations; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 1.1.7

Change the faculty search timeline to ensure the College has access to excellent candidates from diverse populations; Searches should be conducted no later than October for a start the following September.
(Accountable Party: Provost, Vice President of Operations; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 1.1.8

Annually attend at least one job fair focused on historically underrepresented groups. This may be achieved by providing funding for faculty and/or staff to attend professional associations, particularly those for underrepresented groups, for relationship building and recruitment purposes with prep and follow-up documentation and/or meetings.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Operations; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 1.1.9

Notify and seek referrals for candidates, particularly from historically underrepresented groups, for administrator, faculty and adjunct positions from regional colleges and universities.
(Accountable Party: Executive Cabinet; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 1.1.10

Seek referrals for candidates from the Alumni Association.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Operations; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 1.1.11

Participate in New York Higher Education Recruitment Consortia (HERCs) for Metro NY and Southern Connecticut to reach talented and diverse candidates and to assist dual career couples through regional collaboration.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Operations; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 1.1.12

Consider the addition of visiting professors and fellowships as tools to diversify the faculty.(Accountable Party: Provost; Time Period: AY 21-22)

Action Item 1.1.13

Infuse diversity, equity and inclusion into the Retention, Tenure & Promotion (RTP) process as a category under “Teaching Excellence”.
(Accountable Party: Provost, Faculty Senate; Time Period: AY 21-22)

Action Item 1.1.14

Include diversity, equity, and inclusion as a category in student course evaluations with questions re: inclusive curriculum and equitable pedagogical practices (equity in classroom engagement, student assessment, opportunities, etc.).
(Accountable Party: Provost, Vice President of Economic Mobility & Workforce Innovation; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 22-23)

Action Item 1.1.15

Include a category in Faculty Observation forms to address curriculum and pedagogy.
(Accountable Party: Provost, Faculty Senate; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 22-23)

Action Item 1.1.16

Develop succession procedures that include identification of key positions that will have high impact if person separates from the College, identification of an “officer in charge,” and provision of cross training and mentoring for the officer in charge.
(Accountable Party: Executive Cabinet; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 22-23)

Implement new procedures.
(Accountable Party: Executive Cabinet; Time Period: AY 23-24 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 1.1.17

Complete a review of relevant policies for potential disparate impact and treatment on campus constituents of different identities.
(Accountable Party: Executive Cabinet; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 22-23)

Develop a plan to remediate policies as needed to advance equity. Use inclusive language when policies are revised.
(Accountable Party: Executive Cabinet; Time Period: AY 23-24 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 1.1.18

Provide consistent, clear and transparent criteria for the advancement and promotion (if possible) of administrators and staff.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Operations; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 1.1.19

Incorporate contributions to diversity, equity and inclusion work and completion of professional development activities into performance evaluations of administrators and staff. Stress importance of periodic performance evaluation of administrators and staff. Encourage employees to complete self-evaluation.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Operations; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 1.1.20

Provide substantive rewards to those employees who perform at a superior level, such as “Wellness Perks” and professional development hours to be used as part of an employee’s regular workload.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Operations; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 1.1.21

Monitor disaggregated employee statistical data, including new hires, transfers, promotions, and turnover.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Operations, Vice President of Economic Mobility & Workforce Innovation; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 1.1.22

Include questions about diversity/campus climate in exit interviews (or exit surveys) that will be conducted when an employee separates from the College. Address and/or investigate all issues raised during exit interviews or exit surveys.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Operations; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 1.1.23

Classify exited employees as alumni who can serve as ambassadors for the College, student mentors, liaisons with other organizations, members of a retiree club and fund raisers.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Institutional Advancement; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Objective 2: Recruit to ensure diverse applicant pools

Action Item 1.2.1

Compose/design employee recruitment literature that emphasizes the importance of diversity as expressed in the College’s mission and diversity statement, includes college statistics and features pictures of diverse individuals.
(Accountable Party: Executive Cabinet; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 22-23)

Action Item 1.2.2

Produce a virtual guided campus tour to include on the College website including diverse individuals and addressing the benefits of working at the College, accommodations of individuals with disabilities, diversity events, wellness program, childcare facilities, etc.
(Accountable Party: Executive Cabinet; Time Period: AY 22-23)

Objective 3: Ensure fair treatment during the search process

Action Item 1.3.1

Ensure search committees are composed of diverse (gender, age, job type, ethnicity, departments, etc.) members.
(Accountable Party: Executive Cabinet; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 1.3.2

Require search committees complete a training program to address inappropriate questions, legal obligations, and subtle bias, and sign confidentiality agreements.
(Accountable Party: Executive Cabinet; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 1.3.3

Require search committees complete and receive prior approval of a rubric to select applicants for an initial interview prior to the committees’ review of any resumes.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Operations; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 1.3.4

Ensure search committees inquire about each candidate’s commitment to equity and social justice and experience working with diverse audiences during interviews.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Operations; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 1.3.5

Require search committees provide written explanations when qualified candidates, including protected class members, are not offered an initial interview.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Operations; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 1.3.6

Implement methods of ensuring fair treatment for applicants for adjunct and hourly positions, who are hired outside of the full and open search process employed for full-time faculty and administrators, including use of a search committee.
(Accountable Party: Executive Cabinet; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 1.3.7

Provide demographics of the program, candidates (aggregate analysis), qualified graduates in the field, all of which should inform the process to Hiring Managers.
(Accountable Party: Provost, Vice President of Operations; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Objective 4: Hire to ensure diversity in College faculty and staff to advance equity in intellectual engagement, scholarship, and research

Action Item 1.4.1

Assess and implement best practices into the mentoring programs for faculty.

  • Explore implementation of diversity, equity and inclusion related mentoring for faculty either within existing mentoring structure or as a separate program.
  • Establish mentoring goals with timelines for peer mentoring.

(Accountable Party: Provost, Vice President of Operations, Faculty Senate; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 1.4.2

Assess and implement best practices into other faculty development and retention initiatives.
(Accountable Party: Provost, Faculty Senate; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 1.4.3

Assess and implement best practices into peer mentoring programs for administrators and staff.
(Accountable Party: President, Vice President of Operations; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 1.4.4

Develop procedures for creating new affinity groups for employees based on race, ethnicity, gender, veteran status, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or other area of commonality that contribute to team building and employee retention.
(Accountable Party: President, Vice President of Operations; Time Period: AY 21-22)

Support implementation (financial and administrative) of affinity groups that contribute to community building and employee retention. Connect employee affinity groups with existing student affinity organizations to build collaboration and increase impact.
(Accountable Party: President, Vice President of Operations; Time Period: AY 22-23 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 1.4.5

Notify all employees of opportunities for professional development, training, service and advancement.
(Accountable Party: Executive Cabinet; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 1.4.6

Continue to publish The Buzz to coincide with events at the College and expand the format to encourage employees to contribute short pieces of writing and reviews of cultural events in Rockland County or the metropolitan area.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Institutional Advancement; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 1.4.7

Design service recognition activities, such as publications receptions, service milestones, leadership awards, and retiree ceremonies to ensure that all employee achievements are recognized.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Operations; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Objective 5: Expand career counseling, mentorship, leadership opportunities, and achievement recognition to increase the success of all employees

Action Item 1.5.1

Develop a program to build a pipeline to the professoriate for undergraduate students who are underrepresented minorities and/or women in STEM.
(Accountable Party: President, Provost; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Apply to the SUNY PRODiG Program, which intends to inspire underrepresented students by increasing the diversity of SUNY faculty across the system.
(Accountable Party: President, Provost; Time Period: AY 22-23 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 1.5.2

Prioritize hiring diverse faculty, particularly those who represent diverse populations within the RCC student body.

  • Prioritize the hire of a woman into at least one tenure-track STEM position and/or a person of color into any tenure-track position.
  • Diversify the faculty teaching and mentoring in the Sam Draper Honors Program through active outreach to new hires.

(Accountable Party: Provost; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 1.5.3

Prioritize hiring of Recruiters and Advisors with fluency in Spanish and Haitian Creole by listing language fluency as a preferred attribute in all job descriptions posted.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 1.5.4

Develop an adjunct boot camp for community members, particularly from diverse backgrounds, with industry experience but no teaching experience to teach them the skills to adhere to an LAP, classroom management, etc.
(Accountable Party: President, Provost; Time Period: AY 21-22)

Promote and implement adjunct bootcamp for community members.
(Accountable Party: President, Provost; Time Period: AY 22-23 to AY 25-26)

Goal 2: Recruit, Retain, Graduate and Transfer Students that Reflect the Diversity of Our Community

Objective 1: Recruit underserved diverse students through new programming, improved amenities, and increased targeted marketing

Action Item 2.1.1

Establish enrollment goals for each underrepresented, marginalized and/or underrepresented student demographic and develop recruitment plans that are specifically designed to recruit these students.

  • Prioritize the recruitment of adult learners and first-generation students.

(Accountable Party: Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 2.1.2

Explore automatic admission to Rockland County high schools.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 2.1.3

Increase the number of College visits by students from underrepresented communities.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 2.1.4

Compose/design student recruitment literature that emphasizes the importance of diversity as expressed in the College’s mission and diversity statement.

  • Increase number of bilingual marketing resources and materials to cater to the local immigrant population and international student population, as well as parents who may not speak English.
  • Advertise to target specific demographics using digital, print and e-commerce.
    • Market English Skills Academy and Career Skills Academy to targeted audiences (i.e., local Hispanic/Latinx and Haitian population, international students abroad).
    • Improve marketing of the (English as a Second Language) ESL program options at the College to target audiences (i.e., local Hispanic/Latinx, Haitian and Orthodox Jewish population).
    • Increase marketing of the 24-credit High School Equivalency (formerly GED) Program and the TASC Exam (Test Assessing Secondary Completion; formerly known as the GED Exam) availability to targeted audiences (i.e., adult learners).
    • Improve marketing to current military and veterans by assigning a recruiter and securing on-base recruitment engagements.
  • Provide Spanish and Creole translations of recruiting materials.

(Accountable Party: Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs, Provost Vice President of Economic Mobility & Workforce Innovation; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 2.1.5

Utilize various modalities, such as texting, to assist low-income students with limited access to technology, thereby guaranteeing connectivity & enrollment support.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 2.1.6

Incorporate speaking engagements at the College’s TASC testing site as well as the Rockland BOCES TASC test preparatory course sites to engage first time adult learners.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 2.1.7

Provide in-person and virtual campus tours and presentations in Spanish and Creole, especially aimed at parents.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 2.1.8

Explore virtual tour options that provide access to diverse audiences.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22)

Action Item 2.1.9

Initiate College information nights at local high schools for Spanish or Creole-speaking parents and students.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 2.1.10

Recruit students in Regents diploma granting private Jewish high schools in surrounding communities.

  • Work with local guidance counselors at Yeshivas to promote the benefits of RCC, including diversity, curricular offerings, financial considerations, transfer ability, etc., to their students.

(Accountable Party: Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 2.1.11

Offer workshops to increase parental awareness of college and show how college can become a reality to diverse communities.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 2.1.12

Expand partnerships with organizations that cultivate student empowerment in diverse audiences, such as Jack & Jill of America.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 2.1.13

To help first-generation Hispanic/Latinx students understand that higher education is attainable, host a series of presentations that break down the stigmas associated with college debt. The information presented will cover the basic resources available through the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and will also include information about college Cost of Attendance.
(Accountable Party: Provost, Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Objective 2: Expand pipeline programs with local schools

Action Item 2.2.1

Offer workshops to parents of middle school and high school students addressing the benefits of enrolling at the College, including diversity, curricular offerings, financial considerations, transfer ability, etc.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 2.2.2

Continue to work with local high school guidance counselors and BOCES on transitioning students with disabilities to college.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 2.2.3

Continue to promote the Early Admit Program.
(Accountable Party: Provost, Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 2.2.4

Continue to increase the number of high schools, including local Yeshivas, and students participating in the High School Program.
(Accountable Party: Provost, Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 2.2.5

Continue to partner with local public school districts to support at-risk middle and high school students in their academic, social, and emotional development through the Liberty Partnership Program by offering tutorial services, mentoring, socio-emotional counseling, career and college exploration activities, and enrichment, as well as support for students and their families.
(Accountable Party: Provost, Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 2.2.6

To promote equal access to financial literacy tools, offer information sessions to non-FAFSA eligible students on how they could pay for college at local high schools through the Introduction to the School course.
(Accountable Party: Provost; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 23-24)

Action Item 2.2.7

Mentor low-income high school students throughout their senior year to ensure that they are prepared for college and throughout their college journey to ensure that they stay in college, create a career path, and focus on transfer opportunities.

  • Meet with students at 15, 30, and 45-hour touchpoints. These designated touchpoints will monitor progress, identify challenges, and design strategies to help students maintain momentum.
  • Host two visits per year to SUNY institutions to help students with their transfer decisions.
  • Promote service learning.
  • Promote civic engagement (specifically with the Hispanic/Latino male population)
  • Offer presentations on relevant topics

(Accountable Party: Provost; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 23-24)

Action Item 2.2.8

Continue to partner with the Hudson Valley P-TECH School to assist students from primarily underserved backgrounds to earn an Associate in Applied Science (AAS) degree at no cost.
(Accountable Party: Provost, Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 2.2.9

Continue to partner with one of the local public school districts to provide students who are traditionally underrepresented in postsecondary education with the opportunity and academic support to accelerate the completion of their high school studies while earning a minimum of 24 but up to 60 transferable college credits at the same time through the Smart Scholars Early College High School Program.
(Accountable Party: Provost, Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs, Vice President of Economic Mobility & Workforce Innovation; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 2.2.10

Continue to partner with Today’s Students Tomorrow’s Teachers (TSTT), a minority-owned organization, to help expand the pipeline of students of color pursuing teaching professions and to grow enrollment in our Teacher Education program by providing TSTT students throughout their college education with a minimum 50% tuition scholarship.
(Accountable Party: Provost; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 2.2.11

Continue to work with BOCES to transition vocational students in career technology programs and students in the ESL program into College degree programs.
(Accountable Party: Provost, Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 2.2.12

Increase partnerships with national and/or state organizations providing transformative learning experiences to students.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 2.2.13

Consider replicating Dutchess Community College’s Pathways to Policing program, to provide an introduction and access to law enforcement careers for low-income high school juniors and seniors. Likewise, develop a public safety micro-credential for the same group.
(Accountable Party: Provost; Time Period: AY 21-22 to Ay 22-23)

Action Item 2.2.14

Consider and possibly implement a Men of Color Leaders and Scholars Academy.

  • Partner with one Rockland County high school (North Rockland HS) to inaugurate a Black Male Initiative collaboration of mentorship and academic support to empower lower-income Black male students to persist and succeed after entering RCC.

(Accountable Party: Provost; Time Period: AY 21-22 to Ay 22-23)

Action Item 2.2.15

Develop relationships and agreements with local and foreign institutions to develop pipeline programs, including English language schools, scholarship opportunities at four-year schools, and transfer agreements.
(Accountable Party: Provost; Time Period: AY 21-22 to Ay 25-26)

Objective 3: Educate the campus community about student rights and responsibilities under local, state, and federal law

Action Item 2.3.1

Use training programs, the College website, handouts, etc. to ensure students and employees are aware of the rights and responsibilities of

  • students with disabilities
  • pregnant and parenting students
  • international students
  • survivors of sexual and interpersonal violence
  • transgender students
  • student veterans
  • students on financial aid
  • students with regard to their education records

(Accountable Party: Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 2.3.2

Use training programs, the College website, handouts, etc. to ensure students and employees are aware of the rights of students to an academic environment free from harassment or discrimination on the basis of a student’s race, color, national origin, religion, creed, age, disability, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, familial status, pregnancy, predisposing genetic characteristics, military status, domestic violence victim status, or criminal conviction.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 2.3.3

Use training programs, the College website, handouts, etc. to ensure students and employees are aware that students may ask that their religious practices or beliefs be reasonably accommodated.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Objective 4: Strengthen the College community support structure around underserved student populations to drive academic success, retention, graduation, and transfer

Action Item 2.4.1

Include clarity on RCC systems, processes, and resources including who to go to with additional questions in the onboarding/orientation process.

  • For example: Better communicate the services of the Office of Accessibility Services by including information in New Student Orientation, course syllabi, and include “commercials” on campus television.

(Accountable Party: Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 2.4.2

Continue to improve New Student Orientation presentations to cater to those from diverse backgrounds (i.e., subtitles in video presentations).

  • Implement a parent’s session and messaging geared towards parents during New Student Orientation.

(Accountable Party: Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 2.4.3

Improve guidance with respect to financial aid concerns by providing information sessions during onboarding – New Student Orientation, First Year Course, and High School Bridge course/program.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 2.4.4

Increase the percentage of students of color that participate in the Sam Draper Honors Program.
(Accountable Party: Provost; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 2.4.5

Provide ESL students with in-person, high touch, low tech academic, career, and transfer advising support, to help them achieve their desired credential(s) and become real world ready.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 2.4.6

Continue to provide individual career and personal counseling, academic advising, and transfer counseling to current military and veteran students.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 2.4.7

Continue to provide personalized advisement, mentorship, and support to first-generation, low income, and students with disabilities.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 2.4.8

Provide interactive information sessions to all students with a focus on Hispanic/Latinx, TRIO, and the President’s Society students. The goal of the information presented is to give all RCC students the opportunity to establish a sound understanding of financial literacy.
(Accountable Party: Provost; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 2.4.9

Continue to provide academic support resources (e.g., tutoring, supplemental instruction) that promote the success of academically at-risk students.
(Accountable Party: Provost, Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 2.4.10

Promote/advertise services provided by the Academic Support Services, International Student Services, Accessibility Services, and TRiO to educate faculty and staff about all enrichment and support programs available and build a referral system for faculty and staff to make the appropriate referrals for students throughout the year.

Continue to promote theses services to students through the Weekly Student Success Newsletter emailed to students, the Accepted Student Packet mailed to students, and in New Student Orientation.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 2.4.11

Increase programming, counseling, support, and services available to LGBTQ+ students and create strategies that will address the unique needs of LGBTQ+ students, such as Safe Zone and Campus Pride index.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 2.4.12

Implement the option to use chosen name and personal gender pronouns on college records.

  • Enter the student provided information into Banner SIS
  • Confirm other systems are set to import and display those fields (Class Rosters, Banner, etc.)
  • Explore possibility of students being allowed to make changes through Self Service or Records
  • Ensure that the process for changing email displayed names is communicated widely
  • Create any relevant codes of conduct to address issues such as, but not limited to, inappropriate name display, refusal to use preferred/chosen name or pronouns, etc.
  • Include a statement in the master syllabi for each school about chosen name and personal pronouns.

(Accountable Party: Provost, Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22)

Action Item 2.4.13

Implement mentoring for marginalized populations (using the Honors Student Mentors program, as a model).
(Accountable Party: Provost, Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22)

Action Item 2.4.14

Expand annual events that celebrate significant milestones for students with shared identities (such as welcome receptions and pre-commencement events for LGBTQ+ students and students of color).
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 2.4.15

Increase support and the social capital of students focused on their employability and transfer needs, e.g., affinity groups: first-generation students, historically underrepresented, and economically disadvantaged students.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 2.4.16

Continue to support students who are experiencing food insecurity through the food pantry.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 2.4.17

Communicate internship and volunteer opportunities more widely, including online and through Advisors and Faculty.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 2.4.18

Increase co-curricular opportunities, such as service learning, student activism, and student clubs and organizations, that focus on diversity, equity and inclusion topics.
(Accountable Party: Provost, Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 2.4.19

Enhance the current Student Ambassadors program to make academic program information from student perspectives available for enrolled students at RCC.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22)

Implement enhancements.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 22-23 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 2.4.20

Offer new student scholarships to international student applicants and also international students in their first semester (i.e., students who start in the spring semester).
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Institutional Advancement, Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 2.4.21

Create and market scholarships developed for specific groups (i.e., African American, Asians, women, LGBTQ+, Hispanic/Latinx, student with disabilities, first generation, etc.).
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Institutional Advancement, Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 2.4.22

Increase diversity, equity and inclusion related scholarships, including but not limited to those benefiting Black, Hispanic/Latinx, and First-Generation students to include support for their time at RCC and their transfer schools as possible.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Institutional Advancement, Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 2.4.23

Cluster scholarships by population (i.e., African American, Asians, women, LGBTQ+, Hispanic/Latinx, student with disabilities, first generation, etc.).
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Institutional Advancement, Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22)

Action Item 2.4.24

Offer programming that focuses on expanding all student outcomes, but with a particular focus on Hispanic/Latinx students.
(Accountable Party: Provost; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 2.4.25

Assess and address intersectional gender equity and inclusion in RCC sports.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 2.4.26

Collect data through Banner each semester on Open Educational Resources (OER) and low-cost textbooks for courses and make the cost and options available to students before registration.
(Accountable Party: Provost, Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 2.4.27

Make mid-term grades available one week prior to drop date with an associated statement noted on master syllabi for each school.
(Accountable Party: Provost, Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 2.4.28

Make mid-term grades visible to students and Advisors and link to CRM Advise.
(Accountable Party: Provost, Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 2.4.29

Expand student services offered at the Haverstraw Center, the Herbert Kurz Automotive Technology Center (Orangeburg), and the Hospitality Center (Nyack).

For example, offer financial aid services, counseling, and walk-in Registration Days on those campuses, where students will be able to register for any courses in any program of study, not just the programs offered specifically at those campuses.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Goal 3: Adapt & Develop Curriculum to Reflect the Importance of Diversity to Ensure Access to Diverse and Inclusive Curriculum

Objective 1: Adapt: Enhance existing curriculum to reflect and celebrate diversity

Action Item 3.1.1

Revise the Learning Activity Proposal (LAP) for Multicultural Studies (MCS) to include consistent core competencies.
(Accountable Party: President, Provost, Chief Diversity Officer, Faculty Senate; Time Period: AY 21-22)

Action Item 3.1.2

Revise degree programs to include Multicultural Studies (MCS) requirement where possible.
(Accountable Party: Provost; Time Period: AY 21-22)

Action Item 3.1.3

Update and enhance diversity curriculum in Introduction to the School Learning Activity Proposal (LAP).
(Accountable Party: Provost, Faculty Senate; Time Period: AY 21-22)

Action Item 3.1.4

Incorporate diversity in general education courses.
(Accountable Party: Provost, Faculty Senate; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 3.1.5

Recommend course content and learning activities for the new general education competency Global Learning.
(Accountable Party: Provost; Time Period: AY 21-22)

Action Item 3.1.6

Update RCC’s current Criminal Justice Program to reflect reforms in policing that help to combat systemic racism in the criminal justice system.
(Accountable Party: Provost; Time Period: AY 21-22)

Objective 2: Develop: Add new course offerings that reflect the diverse student population we serve

Action Item 3.2.1

Review student demographics (race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation) and map course offerings to reflect the demographics.
(Accountable Party: Provost, Faculty Senate; Time Period: AY 21-22)

Action Item 3.2.2

Conduct a diversity, equity and inclusion review of curriculum at the program level.
(Accountable Party: Provost, Faculty Senate; Time Period: AY 21-22)

Action Item 3.2.3

Determine where courses could be enhanced and where new courses could be offered to provide students with access to diverse perspectives – with particular effort to include perspectives reflected in the student body.
(Accountable Party: Provost, Faculty Senate; Time Period: AY 21-22)

Action Item 3.2.4

Cluster course offerings (collection of Asian, African, or Latinx Studies courses).
(Accountable Party: Provost; Time Period: AY 21-22)

Action Item 3.2.5

Add Courses in Latinx Studies.
(Accountable Party: Provost, Faculty Senate; Time Period: AY 21-22)

Action Item 3.2.6

Partner with SUNY Purchase to develop a dual admission program in Latinx Studies.
(Accountable Party: Provost; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 22-23)

Action Item 3.2.7

Explore inclusion of multiple perspectives (racial, cultural, gender, etc.) as learning outcomes, within course Learning Activity Proposals (LAPs).
(Accountable Party: Provost, Faculty Senate; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 22-23)

Action Item 3.2.8

Investigate partnership with SUNY Empire State College to offer some of the courses in its Global Indigenous Knowledge Certificate to RCC students, faculty, and staff on our campus.
(Accountable Party: Provost, Vice President of Economic Mobility & Workforce Innovation; Time Period: AY 21-22)

Action Item 3.2.9

Work with the Rockland County Career Center and the Department of Labor to create programs that will assist the unemployed and underemployed to gain needed skills to enter the workforce.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Economic Mobility & Workforce Innovation; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Objective 3: Develop: Increase diversity-related opportunities and experiences on and off-campus for students

Action Item 3.3.1

Offer MCS in more participating high schools in the High School Program.
(Accountable Party: Provost; Time Period: AY 21-22)

Action Item 3.3.2

Offer the College Success course in two pilot high schools through the Accelerating Pathways project to encourage underrepresented students to apply to RCC/college.
(Accountable Party: Provost; Time Period: AY 21-22)

If successful, expand the Guided Pathways Model to include the Accelerating Pathways project to engage students at all Rockland County high schools and provide guidance and preparation for RCC/college.
(Accountable Party: Provost; Time Period: AY 22-23 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 3.3.3

Develop and implement a summer English Skills Academy boot camp to offer second language learners with practical English conversation courses at no cost, and an accompanying bridge course to college credit programs.
(Accountable Party: Provost; Time Period: AY 21-22)

Offer English Skills Academy boot camp at no cost and an accompanying bridge course to college credit programs.
(Accountable Party: Provost; Time Period: AY 22-23 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 3.3.4

Expand transfer opportunities/articulation agreements with historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs), Hispanic serving institutions (HSIs), and minority serving institutions (MSIs).

  • Investigate if any current faculty and staff are HBCU or HIS alumni and inquire to see if they might be willing to provide connections/introductions.

(Accountable Party: President, Provost, Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 3.3.5

Adjust scheduling to meet the needs of the local community.
(Accountable Party: Provost, Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 3.3.6

Increase online courses and degree offerings with attention to accommodating the needs of parenting students, working students and non-traditional students.
(Accountable Party: Provost; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 3.3.7

Offer credits for life experience and military service.
(Accountable Party: Provost; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 3.3.8

Expand applied learning opportunities.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Economic Mobility & Workforce Innovation; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 3.3.9

Develop a plan for offering and validating more credit for prior learning.
(Accountable Party: Provost; Time Period: AY 21-22)

Action Item 3.3.10

Expand continuing education offerings.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Economic Mobility & Workforce Innovation; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 3.3.11

Examine and possibly expand career-oriented programming to serve adults in the County who do not have an Associate’s degree or higher.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Economic Mobility & Workforce Innovation; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 3.3.12

Develop or reimagine programs (noncredit, credentialing, and noncredit to credit) annually to meet community needs.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Economic Mobility & Workforce Innovation; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 3.3.13

Offer programs that serve the needs of the undereducated segment of the Orthodox Jewish community.
(Accountable Party: Provost; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Objective 4: Develop: Provide curricular and co-curricular learning opportunities to develop intercultural knowledge and competency in our students in preparation for work and engagement globally

Action Item 3.4.1

Provide workshops to prepare students for an intercultural experience.
(Accountable Party: Provost; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 3.4.2

Provide more opportunities for students to interact with peers abroad through more virtual exchange and SUNY Center for Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL)-enhanced courses co-taught by international faculty partnerships.
(Accountable Party: Provost; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 3.4.3

Investigate study abroad opportunities, particularly short-term opportunities in West Africa and Central and South America.

  • Partner with Verto for semester/year study abroad programs.

(Accountable Party: Provost; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 3.4.4

Assess students’ pre- and post-COIL attitudes and knowledge.
(Accountable Party: Provost, Vice President of Economic Mobility & Workforce Innovation; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Goal 4: Provide On-Campus and Off-Campus Opportunities for Professional Development for Faculty and Staff Regarding Diversity and Non-Discrimination to Ensure Cultural Competence, Sensitivity and Safety

Objective 1: Provide professional development opportunities to assist faculty and staff in addressing diversity in teaching, mentoring, advising, and serving diverse students

Action Item 4.1.1

Offer on-campus professional development presentations and workshops, including guest speakers, on topics that increase awareness among faculty and staff, including, but not limited to:

  • the diversity of our student body and the needs of the College regarding specific populations
  • different learning styles
  • students who speak English as a second language
  • veterans
  • students who have diverse physical and mental challenges
  • difficult dialogue facilitation in the classroom about such topics as race, religion and immigration
  • pronoun usage and chosen names
  • LGBTQ+ awareness, equity, and inclusion
  • developing inclusive curricula
  • equity in pedagogical practice
  • equity in student assessment
  • faculty-student engagement in and outside the classroom (all modalities)
  • Inclusive excellence at the College
  • diversity, equity and inclusion and student engagement
  • advanced inclusive excellence for “the choir”

(Accountable Party: Executive Cabinet; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 4.1.2

In alignment with SUNY Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Phase One Action Plan, organize a forum for sharing best practices for embedding racial equity into the general education curriculum at RCC.
(Accountable Party: Provost; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 4.1.3

Award micro-credentials and badges to employees who complete particular types of training.
(Accountable Party: Provost; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Objective 2: Provide expanded training programs to improve the knowledge and skills of employees

Action Item 4.2.1

Offer new employee orientation in-person, as needed, and a recording of new employee orientation should be available on the College’s intranet.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Operations; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 4.2.2

Implement a new hire onboarding pathway for the first year of employment at the College that includes training, team building, and frequent communication at periodic intervals with the supervisor (for job description, goal setting and performance feedback), mentor, and Human Resources (for acclimation, socialization, areas of improvement and probationary status updates).
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Operations; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 4.2.3

Faculty/Staff onboarding must include key trainings to be determined by leadership.

  • It is recommended that these include but not limited to pronoun usage, LGBTQ+ …inclusion, and Inclusive Excellence at RCC.

(Accountable Party: Vice President of Operations; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 4.2.4

Create a New Hire checklist and information portal that includes relevant materials such as How to Use ADP, where to find the employee holiday schedule, etc. so that all employees promptly receive information they need to succeed.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Operations, Vice President of Institutional Advancement; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 4.2.5

Implement department training program for new hires.
(Accountable Party: Executive Cabinet; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 4.2.6

Create a supervisor checklist that includes all tasks necessary to onboard and support a new employee on their first day and beyond (i.e., ensuring the staff has a desk/office space, IT/Maintenance requests such as requesting computer/phone, key to office, etc.), establish schedule of one-to-one meetings with new hires).
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Operations; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 4.2.7

Improve annual training program for supervisory administrators, Deans, and program directors.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Operations; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 4.2.8

Continue the annual excellence and compliance training program, including Title IX training, sexual harassment prevention training and discrimination awareness training.
(Accountable Party: President; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 4.2.9

Formalize employee self-evaluation process by offering two training sessions for employees and supervisors/manager.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Operations; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 4.2.10

Offer workshops on retirement plans and healthcare plans and hold a benefits fair (either virtual or in-person) in the last quarter of each of year.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Operations; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 4.2.11

Offer English Skills Academy to employees who cannot speak English fluently.
(Accountable Party: Provost; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Objective 3: Provide a safe academic and work environment for all students and employees

Action Item 4.3.1

Continue to provide training to students on:

  • services provided by Public Safety
  • crime reports, including hate crimes, on campus
  • emergency response procedures, including active shooter and bomb threats

(Accountable Party: Vice President of Operations; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 4.3.2

Continue to provide training to employees on:

  • services provided by Public Safety
  • crime reports, including hate crimes, on campus
  • disruptions in the classroom
  • workplace violence prevention and response
  • domestic violence prevention and response
  • emergency response procedures, including active shooter and bomb threats

(Accountable Party: Vice President of Operations; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 4.3.3

Develop and/or enhance procedures to address responding to student protests and demonstrations, including:

  • Student participant safety during an event
  • Involvement of participants who are not members of the campus community
  • Procedures in the event that a protest occurs, including working with outside agencies
  • Counter-protest activities
  • Continuation of other campus activities while protest is under way

(Accountable Party: Executive Cabinet; Time Period: AY 21-22)

Action Item 4.3.4

Develop a Bias Response Team and procedures to respond to hate speech and bias incidents. Train the team.
(Accountable Party: Executive Cabinet; Time Period: AY 21-22)

Ensure the team receives regular training on relevant topics.
(Accountable Party: Executive Cabinet; Time Period: AY 22-23 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 4.3.5

Publicize the emergency management plan, including refuge locations for evacuations of students and employees with disabilities, and bias response procedures.
(Accountable Party: Executive Cabinet; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 4.3.6

Conduct a review of security on the RCC campus and related sites with particular focus on the perspectives of students of color, LGBTQ+ students, and female students.

  • As part of this review, a survey will be administered and data will be disaggregated by race, LGBTQ+ status, and gender, and site (campus, external).

(Accountable Party: Vice President of Operations; Time Period: AY 21-22)

Ensure that concerns are addressed with well communicated action. For example, if it is determined that a companion program is advised, ensure that it is fully resourced and well communicated to all students.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Operations; Time Period: AY 22-23 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 4.3.7

Ensure that, at minimum, the diversity of Public Safety personnel reflect the diversity of the student body.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Operations; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 4.3.8

Renovate inaccessible areas, including building ramps, automatic doors, and bathrooms.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Operations; Time Period: AY 21-22)

Action Item 4.3.9

Provide a confidential process for reporting inequities and other DEI related grievances through or inclusive of the Office of the Chief Diversity Officer.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 4.3.10

Investigate implementing restorative practices and response options to bias incidents and conflict when appropriate.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22)

Goal 5: Communicate Our Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion in Events, Activities, Exhibits, Artwork, Student Organizations, All Our Media Publications, Website(s), and Advertisements, and our Community Engagement Strategy

Objective 1: Advance the College’s commitment to diversity through campus programming, clubs, and campus resources

Action Item 5.1.1

Continue to support and increase participation in heritage celebrations.
(Accountable Party: President; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 5.1.2

Develop a specialized page on the campus website that clearly lists the steps required to start a club, including funding opportunities and guidance.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22)

Update and maintain the page so that the information reflects the current requirements.
(Accountable Party: Provost, Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 22-23 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 5.1.3

Develop and implement annual club formation process training for faculty club advisors and the Chief Diversity Officer to ensure that advisors are fully equipped to support the clubs and the CDO can be helpful to organizations for students of color.
(Accountable Party: Provost, Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 5.1.4

Provide multicultural student clubs and organizations with appropriate resources and staffing support, and encourage more collaboration among offices, student clubs and heritage committees.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 5.1.5

Continue the Annual Unity in Community Week to unify the campus, and to share student differences and similarities through a variety of activities.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22)

Action Item 5.1.6

To establish an ongoing communication focused on diversity, equity and inclusion, provide regular diversity, equity and inclusion forums, open to all, as opportunities to address issues, to share concerns, and for open communication about progress particularly on this plan.
(Accountable Party: President, Vice President of Institutional Advancement; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 5.1.7

Continue to improve communication with students on diversity, equity and inclusion-related issues, including needs of first-generation students and updates on progress related to this plan and diversity, equity and inclusion issues that arise. (Steps Beyond Statements)
(Accountable Party: Executive Cabinet; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Objective 2: Continue to create a welcoming campus environment for students, staff, and faculty of all diverse backgrounds in art, architecture, and culture

Action Item 5.2.1

Conduct a walk-around assessment to ensure that spaces are visually and physically welcoming for individuals of culturally different backgrounds and make necessary corrections as deficits are identified.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Operations; Time Period: AY 21-22)

Action Item 5.2.2

Provide funding and space for inter/intra-cultural and interfaith student engagement including clubs, organizations, and events coordinated through Student Engagement & College Life and the Chief Diversity Officer.
(Accountable Party: Executive Cabinet; Time Period: AY 21-22)

Action Item 5.2.3

Create and maintain a cultural resource library (books, videos, magazines, journals, etc.) on the library’s webpage and within common cultural space, as well as in the Library.
(Accountable Party: Provost; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 5.2.4

Expand awareness and implementation of safe zones (a place where all people feel safe, welcome, and included) on campus.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 5.2.5

Include signage on buildings indicating presence within of gender-neutral bathrooms.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Operations; Time Period: AY 21-22)

Action Item 5.2.6

Offer food options to cater to diverse dietary restrictions, etc.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Operations; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 5.2.7

Increase countries represented in Global Gallery through flags, photos and artwork.
(Accountable Party: President, Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 5.2.8

Update lactation stations on-campus for employees and students.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Operations; Time Period: AY 21-22)

Action Item 5.2.9

Consider diversity a priority when establishing any new spaces on campus, including naming opportunities of physical spaces on campus.
(Accountable Party: Executive Cabinet; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 5.2.10

Adjust the campus map to include gender neutral bathrooms, handicap accessible bathrooms, Veterans Lounge, International Student Services office, lactation stations, etc.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Operations, Vice President of Institutional Advancement; Time Period: AY 21-22)

Action Item 5.2.11

Develop a campaign that encourage community members to act in ways that are congruent with the College’s values and reflects an understanding of respect across difference.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Institutional Advancement; Time Period: AY 21-22)

Objective 3: Ensure that the College presents a diverse, welcoming, and inclusive campus brand image in all community and public advertising/marketing and for all internal materials

Action Item 5.3.1

Condense Diversity Statement into a one-line tag statement, making it easier to be used in most publications, publicity statements, and other College materials.
(Accountable Party: Executive Cabinet; Time Period: AY 21-22)

Action Item 5.3.2

Maintain an image library representative of our diverse student body.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Institutional Advancement; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 5.3.3

Utilize inclusive language and photos of diverse populations in all written publications.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Institutional Advancement; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 5.3.4

Expand website to highlight and promote each heritage committee’s events and celebrations.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Institutional Advancement; Time Period: AY 21-22)

Action Item 5.3.5

Continue to distribute all press releases, including heritage events, to an assorted set of local and metropolitan news media.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Institutional Advancement; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 5.3.6

Maintain website list of campus personnel available if needed for communicating with students or parents in other languages.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Institutional Advancement; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 5.3.7

Use signage in offices that advertises the language spoken in that office.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs, Vice President of Institutional Advancement; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 5.3.8

Increase communications highlighting successes and accomplishments of students, employees and alumni from underrepresented communities.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Institutional Advancement; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Objective 4: Extend the College’s commitment to equity and inclusion to mutually benefit our community in ways that advance this commitment

Action Item 5.4.1

Participate in the national Inclusivity Project, which strives to connect Black entrepreneurs and Black-owned small businesses in underserved and socially disadvantaged communities with lifetime business mentorship and access to capital to start their first business or take their existing business to the next level.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Economic Mobility & Workforce Innovation; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 5.4.2

Help small, disadvantaged businesses, such minority and women-owned businesses, compete in the American economy, access the federal procurement market, and be successful for the future by providing access to capital, management and technical assistance.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Economic Mobility & Workforce Innovation; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 5.4.3

Expand community focused business outreach efforts to reach members of socially and economically disadvantaged groups, members of ethnic communities, women and the disabled.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Economic Mobility & Workforce Innovation; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 5.4.4

Provide COVID-19 relief to businesses in underserved communities.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Economic Mobility & Workforce Innovation; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 22-23)

Action Item 5.4.5

Continue offering “adulting” skills courses to individuals of all abilities in an inclusive environment through Project ELEVATE.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Operations; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 23-24)

Action Item 5.4.6

Communicate contracting opportunities to minority and women-owned businesses and encourage the submission of bids from minority and women-owned businesses.
(Accountable Party: Chief Financial Officer; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 5.4.7

Promote utilization of minority and women-owned businesses by budget managers.
(Accountable Party: Chief Financial Officer; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 5.4.8

Collaborate with associations dedicated to expanding and strengthening the government’s investment in financial aid and access to higher education.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Economic Mobility & Workforce Innovation; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 5.4.9

Encourage federal, state and city government officials to support initiatives and legislation that reflect our interests and promote access to higher education.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Economic Mobility & Workforce Innovation; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 5.4.10

Continue to partner with local government agencies to increase resources and services for students and employees from underrepresented communities.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs, Vice President of Operations, Vice President of Economic Mobility & Workforce Innovation; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 5.4.11

Identify and expand partnerships with community organizations that have a positive impact on the Rockland County community.
(Accountable Party: President; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 5.4.12

Collaborate with community groups to identify and address barriers to enrollment, retention and completion.
(Accountable Party: President; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 5.4.13

Develop community partnerships with educational impact. (e.g., businesses, Rockland County government, and community organizations).
(Accountable Party: President; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Goal 6: Demonstrate a Campus-Wide Commitment to Inclusive Excellence

Objective 1: Ensure that senior leadership is fully engaged in the College’s diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives

Action Item 6.1.1

Include a commitment to diversity in speeches, written correspondence, and public appearances.
(Accountable Party: Board of Trustees; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 6.1.2

Ensure that senior leadership is engaged in campus diversity strategies.
(Accountable Party: Board of Trustees; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 6.1.3

Publicly address national and campus hate or bias incidents.
(Accountable Party: Executive Cabinet; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 6.1.4

Senior leadership ensures that diversity is prioritized in their respective schools, colleges, and divisional units.
(Accountable Party: President; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 6.1.5

Ensure that adequate financial resources exist to drive campus diversity efforts pursuant to this plan.
(Accountable Party: President; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Objective 2: Ensure that the Chief Diversity Officer has sufficient access and resources to carry out their roles and responsibilities

Action Item 6.2.1

Ensure that the Chief Diversity Officer is an executive-level or cabinet position that reports to the President. (Accountable Party: President; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 6.2.2

Ensure that the Chief Diversity Officer has their own budget for their office and has input into the budget for their office. (Accountable Party: President; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 6.2.3

Develop a 5-year plan to raise external funds to support institutional diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives. (Accountable Party: Vice President of Institutional Advancement; Time Period: AY 21-22)

Action Item 6.2.4

Research and apply for funding opportunities through federal, state and SUNY grant programs. (Accountable Party: Vice President of Institutional Advancement; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 6.2.5

Hire a Data Analyst to assist in monitoring the plan implementation (Accountable Party: President; Time Period: AY 21-22)

Action Item 6.2.6

Become an institutional member of the National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education (NADHOE). (Accountable Party: President; Time Period: AY 21-22) Maintain institutional membership status in NADHOE. (Accountable Party: President; Time Period: AY 22-23 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 6.2.7

Serve as part of a system-wide network of chief diversity officers to support SUNY’s overall diversity goals. (Accountable Party: President; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 6.2.8

Formally report on campus diversity plans, successes, challenges, and opportunities at one Board of Trustees meeting per year. (Accountable Party: President; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 6.2.9

Increase national ranking and recognition for the College’s innovative diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives. (Accountable Party: Executive Cabinet; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 6.2.10

Include diversity, equity and inclusion award recognition as a marketing tool by including related information on key webpages, in institutional marketing materials, and in grant applications and donor outreach. (Accountable Party: Executive Cabinet; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 6.2.11

Update and maintain the Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion website to provide resources that enable innovative inclusive excellence initiatives. (Accountable Party: Vice President of Institutional Advancement; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Objective 3: Build a sustained commitment to data collection, analysis, dissemination, and continuous improvement

Action Item 6.3.1

Disaggregate student success/continuity/ graduation data within each School and Program by gender, race, Pell-status, first generation, transfer, and employment status for use in program review, curriculum evaluation, and evaluation of success.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Economic Mobility & Workforce Innovation; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 6.3.2

Track and report by School on website the graduation rates, transfer rates, and employment data in field and with living wage jobs.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Economic Mobility & Workforce Innovation; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 6.3.3

Use annual/ongoing Equity Scorecards to assess and communicate diversity, equity and inclusion progress by School/Division or Department.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Economic Mobility & Workforce Innovation; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 6.3.4

Produce and share a data-informed annual internal monitoring report reflecting RCC community perspectives on progress against this plan goals and recommendations for action.
(Accountable Party: Executive Cabinet; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 6.3.5

Administer SUNY sponsored Diversity, Equity and Inclusion survey and present the results to the College.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Economic Mobility & Workforce Innovation; Time Period: AY 22-23)

Action Item 6.3.6

Use the Community College Survey on Student Engagement (CCSSE) results administered in the Spring 2021 to begin conversation on student engagement with a focus on the equity issues involved with engagement.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Economic Mobility & Workforce Innovation; Time Period: AY 21-22)

Administer the Community College Survey on Student Engagement (CCSSE) in Spring 2023 or the SUNY developed equivalent
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Economic Mobility & Workforce Innovation; Time Period: AY 23-24)

Action Item 6.3.7

Administer the Survey of Entering Student Engagement (SENSE) and begin conversations about entering student engagement and equity.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Economic Mobility & Workforce Innovation; Time Period: AY 21-22)

Action Item 6.3.8

Report on Guided Pathway Key Performance Indicators (KPI) disaggregating by demographic information to find weaknesses and share the results with the school.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Economic Mobility & Workforce Innovation; Time Period: AY 21-22)

Update the Guided Pathway KPI and report the results.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Economic Mobility & Workforce Innovation; Time Period: AY 22-23)

Update the Guided Pathway KPI and report the results.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Economic Mobility & Workforce Innovation; Time Period: AY 23-24)

Objective 4: Enhance culture of collaboration and innovation around diversity, equity and inclusion work among faculty, staff, students, and alumni

Action Item 6.4.1

Building upon the Steps Beyond Statements team, establish an inclusive excellence strategies committee to report to the Chief Diversity Officer and the President and responsible for moving the diversity, equity, and inclusion/inclusive excellence agenda.

  • Establish appropriate sub-committees as working groups to address current and ongoing strategic diversity, equity and inclusion goals and initiatives.
    • Potential sub-committees could focus on Regular Campus Surveys, Accountability Reviews, and/or Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Forums.

(Accountable Party: President, Chief Diversity Officer; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 22-23)

Action Item 6.4.2

Oversee Steps Beyond Statements Internships.

  • Internships to resume Spring 2022.

(Accountable Party: Chief Diversity Officer; Time Period: AY 22-23)

Action Item 6.4.3

Establish an Underrepresented Student Advisory Committee that will serve as platform for formal organizations to collaborate on events, discuss and problem solve any issues and support each other in their existence on campus.
(Accountable Party: President, Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Time Period: AY 21-22)

Action Item 6.4.4

Fund and award collaborative inclusive excellence mini grants that develop innovative programs and positively impact campus climate. All students, staff, and faculty will be eligible to apply for one-time grants, which will be awarded throughout the year.
(Accountable Party: President; Time Period: AY 21-22 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 6.4.5

Establish an annual “Outstanding Diversity Advocate” award to recognize faculty/staff that contribute to the College’s efforts towards inclusive excellence to be publicly awarded.
(Accountable Party: President; Time Period: AY 21-22)

Award annual “Outstanding Diversity Advocate” award.
(Accountable Party: President; Time Period: AY 22-23 to AY 25-26)

Action Item 6.4.6

Develop alumni affinity engagement strategies.
(Accountable Party: Vice President of Institutional Advancement; Time Period: AY 21-22)