To report any of the following incidents, refer to the listing below to select the appropriate option.

(In most cases, the incident must either have occurred on campus, at an off-campus College-sponsored event, or off-campus while handling College business.)

If . . .

  • You have been subjected to discrimination or harassed based on a protected category.
  • You have been subjected to pressure for an intimate relationship; unwelcome sexual advances; unwelcome touching, kissing, or hugging; unnecessary references to parts of your body; or remarks about your gender, nonconformity with gender stereotypes, or sexual orientation.
  • You need a reasonable accommodation of a physical or psychological impairment that substantially limits a major life activity in order to perform the essential functions of your job.
  • You have been subjected to or threatened with retaliation for filing a discrimination, harassment or retaliation complaint; seeking a reasonable accommodation for a disability or for a religious observance; or cooperating in the investigation of a complaint.

You should contact:
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion at

You can also file a complaint with the New York State Division of Human Rights or the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, or take any legal action you may deem advisable.

If . . .

  • You are having a problem with a co-worker that is not based on a protected category.
  • You are having a problem with your supervisor that is not based on a protected category.
  • You think that there has been a possible violation of your collective bargaining agreement.
  • You are injured (not on the job), are ill, or are having surgery or other treatment and need to take time off from work.
  • You want to apply for Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA) or extended sick leave.
  • You are injured on the job.

You should contact
Human Resources at 845-574-4720

If . . .

  • You are the victim of domestic violence.
  • You have witnessed or have reasonable cause to suspect that an employee is using College resources to threaten, harass, or abuse an intimate partner.

You should contact any of the following offices:
Human Resources at 845-574-4720
Public Safety at 845-574-4217
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion at 845-574-4758

If . . .

  • You have been subjected to or witnessed:
    • Intimidating or bullying conduct
    • Abusive language
    • Threatening behavior
  • You have been subjected to, threatened with or witnessed acts of violence.
  • You have been subjected to, threatened with or witnessed other criminal conduct.
  • You have been subjected to, threatened with or witnessed hate or bias crimes.
  • You have seen someone concealing or using a weapon.
  • You have an Order of Protection and want to create an on-campus safety plan.

You should contact
Public Safety at 845-574-4217

You can also file a criminal complaint with local law enforcement and/or state police.

If . . .

  • You have witnessed or have reasonable cause to suspect any sexual abuse of a child.

You must contact
Public Safety at 845-574-4217

If you prefer to report anonymously . . .

You can report an incident using the following and not disclose your name:
Anonymous Incident Report

College’s anonymous tip line:

The following are considered PROTECTED CATEGORIES:

age, alienage, color, creed, disability, familial status, gender/sex, gender identity, genetic pre-disposition, military status, national origin, pregnancy, prior non-job related record of conviction, race, religion, sexual orientation, status as a victim of domestic violence and status as a nursing mother

Downloadable PDF of Reporting Options
More about College policies