Follow RCC
Here at Rockland Community College, we want our students, faculty, staff, and community to be aware of campus happenings and updates. One of the best ways to stay in-the-know at RCC is to follow us on social media where we are posting events, reminders, campus closings and new tips daily on our various platforms. Below, we have provided some of our social media channels and hashtags so you can follow along as we help students become Real World Ready.
Follow the Main RCC Account
Engage With Us!
The following hashtags are used throughout the year. Add them to your posts to engage with RCC!
- #sunyrockland
- #wearetherock
- #rocklandcommunitycollege
- #RCCHawks
- #RCCalumni
- #WelcometotheRock
- #RCCvets
- #RCCRealWorldReady
- #RCCinternationalstudents
Follow Our Departments
Here are some of our department’s social media accounts. These will help you stay updated on campus happenings and department specific events:

RCC’s Art Department @sunyrccart on Facebook
RCC’s Sam Draper Honors Program @rcchonors on Facebook
RCC’s Legal Studies Program @RCClegalstudies on Facebook
RCC’s Auto Tech Center @RCCautomotivetechnologycenter on Facebook
RCC’s Cyber Security Program @RCCCyber on Facebook
RCC’s Public Safety RCC Public Safety on Facebook

RCC’s Art Department @sunyrccart on Instagram
RCC’s Student Success Team @studentsuccessrcc on Instagram
RCC’s Sam Draper Honors Program @rcchonors on Instagram
RCC’s Athletics Department @rcchawks on Instagram