Why Study Business Administration?

Today’s business world is constantly changing, challenged by national and global financial transformations and legislative, social, ethical, and environmental changes. People who earn business administration degrees and learn to effectively navigate this changing business world, develop great potential for high earning power and a lifetime employment opportunities.

School of Business and Professional Studies

Degree Tracks & Course Sequence

Economics Track – Studying economics develops a wide range of analytical critical thinking skills which are needed in business, government, international development, education, and the non-profit sector. Students are well prepared to continue their education at a four-year institution.

Finance Track – Studying finance prepares students for careers in the financial services sector. Students are well prepared to continue their education at a four-year institution.

General Track – The general business track provides students with a well-rounded course of study in business. Students are well prepared to continue their education at a four-year institution.

Honors Track – As part of the Sam Draper Honors Program, students are prepared to transfer to top four-year institutions as business majors.

Sports Management Track – Studying sports management equips students with the skills and knowledge necessary to support sport marketing agencies, intercollegiate athletic departments, professional sports organizations, sports equipment manufacturers and many more operations throughout the vast sports industry. Students are well prepared to continue their education at a four-year institution.

AAS Business Administration – The AAS degree prepares students to enter the work force upon graduation. However, many students do continue their education at four-year institutions.


Real World Ready

Listening to workforce needs

Graduates of Rockland Community College are provided with a clear path to meaningful careers that meet the needs of businesses and industry in the communities we serve. Our students are trained in specific skills that are needed by employers, and guided through a career path that leads directly to workforce opportunities. With affordable tuition, students who begin their college careers at RCC are ready to meet the demands of the real world.

Free Career Exploration Assessment [ACCESS CODE: pathways]

Student Success

At Rockland Community College, you are provided with a Student Success Team that will help you with your academic journey, career exploration, transfer planning, support service referrals, and more! Your Team includes your Dean, Program Director, Faculty Advisor, Student Success Advisor, Connection Center Counselor, Financial Aid Advisor, Peer Mentors, and if you’re involved in any of these special programs, your Athletics, Honors, TRiO, and Veterans Advisors. During your first semester, you will take an ‘Introduction to the School’ course that will outline the various College offices and departments that can help you on your path.

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Career Outlook

Students who complete these degree programs can pursue careers across all industry sectors – private and public.

Job Roles

Administrative Management, Sales, Financial Analysis, Budgeting, Industrial Production, and Social and Community Service


Finance, Hospitality, Real Estate, Retail, Technology, Insurance, Not-for-Profit Organizations, Local Government, and Higher Education


Business and Financial Operations Occupations

$111,140 NYS Average
National Average $90,580 annually

Cost Estimators

$90,120 NYS Average
National Average $79,520 annually

Financial and Investment Analysts

$143,330 NYS Average
National Average $112,950 annually

Employment and wage data by occupation are based on the Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) survey, which collects information from approximately 51,000 businesses. labor.ny.gov

Alumni Spotlight

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Rockland Community College, State University of New York, offers a safe, supportive learning environment for thousands of students from diverse backgrounds. RCC has become the “first choice” for parents and students. Thanks to our affordable tuition, students can save $100,000 on a college education by starting at RCC and transferring to outstanding four-year colleges.