The Connection Center is dedicated to providing non-academic support to students and their families. The Center has compiled this list of county, state and national resources that offer support.

RCC is proud to partner with Orange & Rockland to support the RCC Connection Center and help to provide economic equity for all students.
Hawk’s HUB
The Hawk’s HUB (formerly known as the Food Pantry), offers free non-perishable groceries, and personal hygiene products for currently enrolled RCC students experiencing need. Visit the Hawk’s HUB page for hours and more information.
The Growing Together Lounge
The Growing Together Study Lounge in the Technology Center, Room 8370, is a quiet lounge where parents of dependent children can get their schoolwork done while keeping their little ones busy. The Growing Together Lounge includes computers, a printer, a changing table, diapers, and toys. Please complete the application form for access.
We’re here for you when life happens.
OUR MISSION: The Connection Center provides empathic, non-academic supports for students and their families, when life happens. In addition to establishing mutually identified goals with students and family members, we maintain an environment that fosters understanding, warmth, acceptance, and inclusion. We encourage and promote self-advocacy, self-empowerment, and the overall well-being of those we help.
- The Connection Center provides services to students and families in a judgment free space.
- The two main non-academic struggles faced by RCC students are food and housing insecurity.
- 1 in 5 adults struggle with a mental health concern (anxiety, depression, etc.) at some point in their life.
- Life Happens to everyone. Some people think that they have to figure their problems out on their own; that asking for help is a sign of “weakness.” This is a fallacy. Self-advocacy is empowering.
- If we can’t help you directly, we know someone who can. Some of the resources are available on-campus; others, in the community. We will help you identify and connect with the appropriate resources, based on your individual situation.
- United Way’s 211 confidential, free Helpline is available in multiple languages 365 days a year. Visit the Connection Center on campus or dial 211 directly for more information on how to receive assistance in the following health and human services areas:
- Childcare
- Business and business casual clothing at the Hawk’s HUB
- Discussion Groups
- Employment/Unemployment
- Food: Student Voucher Program; Hawk’s HUB; Community Food Pantries; SNAP application assistance; Nutrition education
- Health Insurance
- Housing
- Legal
- LGBTQIA+ Resources
- 44 Self-Esteem Resources for Nonbinary Adolescents and Teens
- Medical/Prescription, Free Health Clinic Resources
- Mental Health/Crisis
- Telephone/Cell Phone
- Utilities: electric, gas, water
Before withdrawing from your classes, come speak to us.
Health Insurance
As a college student, you have options for health insurance. You might get coverage through your parents, school, employer, the Health Insurance Marketplace, or other options. The best health insurance provides affordable student and young adult health insurance plans covering preventive, primary, and urgent care.
Visit the Affordable Health Insurance site to learn essential aspects of student health insurance you should compare. Students can search for affordable health insurance outside of New York (some students are not NY residents), meet the Affordable Health Insurance team and use the Contact Form on at the bottom of the page to submit questions.